Ch-25 Embrace in life, Sabrun Jameel

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                In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master Muhammad (s.a.s), all his blessed descendents and noble companions.’


Dedicated to theknowledgeaddict for her words, which moved me to tears…


Chapter Twenty-Five

Embrace in life, Sabrun Jameel


In the dimly lit suite, Humaira stood still for long tensed moments staring at the closed door of their cabin, then at her shaken and distraught brother. With her heart profoundly moved and tears clinging to her lashes, she quietly slipped back into the balcony.

Some minutes earlier, she had torn herself from the shy whispering secrets of the wind and sea and entered the cabin in her soft manner to check upon her brother. But when she came inside, Humaira found herself frozen upon seeing Maryam coming towards Saif as if entranced.

The scene and words that occurred next made her think that she was being a spectator in some kind of an intense emotional dream. And when Maryam finally ran blindly leaving Saif to call upon Allah SWT from his heart, Humaira knew that this was no scene that she should have witnessed. For this was something sacred between the two souls with Allah as their witness.

Humaira felt her tears falling as she gazed unseeingly upon the shining, rippling water. Her thoughts whirled as she felt light dawning upon every action of Maryam until now…her heart felt crushed when she recalled the pain in Maryam’s broken voice…to bare her heart and soul like that, to be so brave yet vulnerable like that –Humaira shivered unconsciously.

She did not know for how long she stood there staring at the far dark horizon when a small warm hand slipped into hers.

“Humair Di!” A little voice whispered joyously.

“Oh Umar how did you…?”

“I see that your brother is sleeping…” A quiet voice drawled in the darkness towards which Humaira’s head turned involuntarily.

Alex, who had met Umar coming back with his friend, had entered the cabin with him to check Saif one last time before retiring for the night. He was surprised to find the suite dimly lit, for he knew that they had not eaten dinner yet. He thought that Saif was sleeping and the next second felt his pulse race madly when his eyes pierced the shadows searching for her. It was then that he saw Umar silently push the transparent doors and enter the balcony. Alex followed him.

When Humaira looked towards him, Alex felt his heart tearing into thousand bits of emotions upon realizing that she was wearing no veil. His stunned senses had no time to etch her unveiled face in his memory except for a glimpse of her lips slightly parted as if in startled surprise, for she immediately turned and went inside.

“No!” Even as the words left his mouth, Alex knew he was being foolish and no doubt, he sounded desperate too. And he didn’t know whether Humaira had heard him or not, for she had not stayed back.

Passing a hand through his hair, Alex felt the ghostly fingers of the wind caress his face as he closed his eyes with a heavy sigh. O Lord! How much deeper will he fall for this girl who didn’t even care whether he existed or died…

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