Chapter 50: The fight and the surpise shift

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Hey everyone. I'm sorry for the long wait. College is getting to become a real hassle and it's hard to keep up with the writing.

And the past couple weeks I have been taking care of some kittens because their mom didn't want them anymore. And we managed to save 3 out of 5. And my favorite kitty died :( of course..

But I'm really sorry for not writing. And I'm actually writing this chapter in college lol. So I'm sorry if there are any mistakes.

And by the way a boy update! Lol.

So my bf knows ALL about the bad boy. Which isn't very good because he wants to kick his ass. But the good news is, our 4 month is coming up!! :) I'm excited.

And my mother's birthday was yesterday! Lol. She is like the Grandmother Shifter lmao. That sounds weird....


Now on with the chapter.



"Hey ugly! Over here!" I yelled right before I shifted and leaped at him.

He looked my way and he had a confused expression before it turned to fright when I tackled him.

I quickly got off of him as Ashe leaped on him and bit his neck till he stopped moving.

I shifted back and gave Ashe's wolf a high five. "Nicely done."

Ashe gave a bow and Vic's wolf gave out a little chuckle.

"Avery!" I heard a scream.

I looked around and couldn't see anything.

"Avery!" I heard again and realized it was coming from the house.

I ran to the house dodging the rogues and saw the front door was wide open.

Didn't Jake close it?

I heard a scream full of fear and a gun shot go off.

I jumped from the sound and booked it upstairs.

I ran to one of the spare rooms and saw Lilly holding a gun and a dead rogue laying in front of her.

"Lilly?" I asked confused. Did she shoot him?

"Avery." Lilly cried and ran to me.

"Are you alright?" I asked her looking for any sign of injury.

She nodded. "It was running after me a-and I just grabbed a gun and I shot. I-I killed him. Avery! I killed him!" She hiccuped and starting crying some more.

"It's okay. It was for protection." I said and hugged her.

"Ow." She yelped and held her right shoulder.

"Are you okay? Did he bite you?" I panicked and glanced at her shoulder.

Lilly shook her head. "No. That him has a really big kick to it." She said with a small laugh.

I smiled until I saw the gun.

"Umm Lilly?" I asked as I walked towards the gun.

"Yes?" She asked following me.

"Where did you get this gun?"

"It was by the wall of guns on the ground. A rogue fell into the wall and it fell off so I grabbed it." She said confused as to why I was asking her this stuff.

"Umm. You shot a MK16.." I said my voice trailing off.

"What is that?" Lilly asked looking at the gun. "Is it the name of the gun?"

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