From Nothing to Everything

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From Nothing to Everything

With grace, her legs sway

like the silver ribbons in a parade.

How I admire her,

as my limbs desire to be her.

I kick too, stick straight, though my leg

lingers closer, closer to the ground.

Perhaps, one day I will have a fraction

of her elegance.

But for now she is Clara, the star,

while I am her alternate, the second.

I am the nothing, holding potential

to be everything

We dance together. Oh how I yearn

to absorb her style.

We depart as friends, laughing and giggling.

Upon reaching the steps, her legs stumble.

She screams, her arm extended, her eyes

extending with plead.

I wished to help, honestly I did,

but my stone arms stubbornly remained sealed.

Her leg snaps and she wails.

Sympathy brushes against me as a brief sea breeze,

but it soon passes as I discover from this tragedy.

the lead is now mine. I just ascended

From nothing to everything

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