Chapter 4; Meeting them

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not edited , nor proofread so yeah thnks for your comments on chapter 3 :)


I blink a couple times, adjusting to the light. My eyes must have been closed.

“Hey you okay?” Nicholas says looking behind him.

I nod not trusting my voice.

“Then could you, ugh, let go of me?” He asks awkward.

I let go like I’ve been burned, embarrassed. I turn back to my thoughts.

That girl’s me? Then…does that I have a son?

Chapter 4: Meeting them.

“Miss M! Come on! She’s in here.” Jay says pulling me towards the house. As we enter I smell the aroma of a BBQ. Jay pulls me down the hall way and into a kitchen full of people. I smile nervously, as they stop what they were doing to look at me. Jay doesn’t notice but heads straight to a woman at the oven. She had long wavy brown hair; she was medium height, around 5’5. She was a girly version of Kent and Nicholas; she looked to be around 21.

“AUNT LUCY!” Jay shouts excited.

Wow. This kid sure is energetic!

She turns around a look of worry on her pretty face. When she sees me being pulled by Jay she smiles but I can see that she’s slightly confused.

“Jay? Don’t shout inside the house, use you’re indoor voice.” She says wiping her hands on her apron, she turns to me a smile on her face “Hi, I’m Lucy, Jays Aunty.”

I smile and shake her offered hand “Hi, I’m you’re nephews teacher...” I’m cut off by a deep voice behind me.

”What did my son do this time?” I turn toward the voice to see it’s him. He was the guy from the picture I was looking at that night.

“Why would you say he did something?” I ask him, trying not to get annoyed at him. I saw Jay’s face before I turned around and it went sad to blank.

“His teachers always come around here when he’s done something bad. Is he suspended again?” The man says looking at Jay now, a woman now behind him. It was Candice Kelly. Another English teacher at school, she was a grade A Bitch. She thought she was above everyone; she treated the boys better than the girls, and the boys who didn’t adore her were treated worse than that. She was like a school bully, but as a teacher. And I’ve heard she makes kids drop out of school who aren’t up to her standard; whatever that is. She’s now smirking slightly at Jay.

“He’s done nothing wrong and I think that you being his father and all should have faith in him not put him down, I know I may not have any right to say this but you need to get your head out of your ass so that you notice that your son is one of the most amazing kids, he can go places and he has a huge heart and I’ve only known him for the two hours that I’ve had him in my class.” I turn to Lucy who’s amused, I force a smile.

“I came here to thank you for letting me into your house when you didn’t know who I was, I also thank you for talking to me when I was asleep I heard you. I thank you and if you need anything Jay will show you my class room.” I turn away from her now shocked face to face the other people in the kitchen. I see Kent and Nicholas are in here as well.

My forced smile still in place “Sorry if I ruined you’re dinner, I’ll be going now.” I say, rushing toward the front room. I close the door and quickly walk toward my apartment….I think.

30 minutes later: Outside building.

I hear footsteps following me. I don’t turn around since it must be a person who lives in the building as well.

Boarding School For Delinquents Sequel (Being Heavily Edited)Where stories live. Discover now