Chapter 13

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‘’I also found what I think is a hunter’s scent at our school. Be extra careful around him and the humans. No wolfing out! We will track him tonight! I think he is following my mate!’’

Chapter 13

~ Cleo’s Pov ~

I walk up the path, leading to the school gates. Everyone is chatting and being very sociable. They look at me like anyone would. I’m normal. There is nothing wrong with me.

Like hell there is nothing wrong with me! I’m the Queen of all supernatural!

As soon as anyone steps through those doors, they remember. They remember my screams. They remember my change. My face. My eyes, my skin, my mouth, my teeth. They remember the fact that I can make things move without touching them with a click of my fingers.

They remember.

They look at me with horror and disgust. Because I’m an outsider. I’m different. And it scares them. Big time.

But I feed off of fear. I feed off of fright, terror and panic. And I like it. It fuels the monster inside of me.

So when I get through those front doors, and I watch everyone recognise and remember, it reminds me of how much of a monster I am. Their faces change and become aware of me. But I don’t care anymore. I don’t care what they think of me.

For fun, I snap my fingers, lighting my hand on fire. The flame dances in my palm and it tickles. I smirk at their expression on their face as I bring my hand up to my mouth and blow the fire in their direction. They scurry off immediately. Suckers.

I think back to the times in school where I was no different to anybody else.

~ Flashback (before everyone knew that she was a vampire) ~

I sat at the back of the group, bored to death, as usual. I was in gym class, and we were learning a bit of theory before starting our lesson.

‘’To find your pulse, you have to use your forefinger and your middle finger together and place them on the inner side of your wrist. Never use your thumb as you also have a pulse in there too.’’ My teacher rambles on.

‘’Okay, to test this, we are going to go a minute of silence and count our pulse. Everyone find your pulse.’’ She asks.

Every student starts checking their arms, necks, ankles and so forth. Thank god I fed yesterday otherwise I would have murdered someone by now. I can hear everyone’s pulse beating away, like a time bomb, ready to explode.

And that’s when I realised, I don’t have a pulse.

So I just sat there for a minute, pretending to count a beat in my arm. I watch all the student’s faces count repetitively in their heads.

When I was asked how many BPM I had, I just said a number that sounded right compared to all the other students in my class.

Then we started on the practical part of our lesson. We were told we were doing long distance running. I smiled, knowing I could never get out of breath, mainly because I would have no breath to catch.

We ran 800 meters, and by the time I crossed the finish line, I was well ahead of the main group of runners. I even sprinted a bit at the end.

Obviously I made it look like I was finding it hard to breathe after the race was over. People would start questioning me otherwise and I wouldn’t want that to happen.

Draft: Queen HybridWhere stories live. Discover now