Snuggles in thunderstorms

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Kaylah x Randi

~~~ Kaylah's POV ~~~ 

A nightmare had been, a phone was called and a person had come. Thus being here. Randi and I, had a little deal, that if I had any nightmare, I would call immdiately. When I call he would run over as fast as possible, and lie with me for the rest of the night. Sometimes Randi would come over, because he had a nightmare himself or just needed a cuddle.

We both lay on my bed together, whispering even though it was after midnight, meaning Hawthorne and Gran would be in a deep slepp now. 

"Hey Randi?"


'Do you think these nightmares will ever go away?' I asked staring a the ceiling.

"I don't know. I'm not trying to be a downer or anything, but I wouldn't know."

I agreed back, and we both fell into a comfortable silence. I almost started drifting off when, I heard a clap of thunder. Randi jumped and hid his face in my pillow, hands clasped over his ears. A flicker of white illuminated the room, and the rain started pouring. I gently moved Randi's legs underneath the covers and huddled him in my arms.

'I don't like thunderstorms' He mumbled

I held him close, like a mother would a child. We stayed like that for the duration of the night. Our warmth keeping each other safe. Our presence keeping each other brave.

'Goodnight Randi." I whispered

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2014 ⏰

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