Of Angels and Demons (An impossible love story)(on hold)

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Behind the curtain of everyday life, there is a mysterious society... This is the story of a girl who finds herself behind that curtain and the boys who challenge not only her mental well being, but each other for the possesion of her heart

Chapter 1:

(Never take GOD's name in vain)

Quote of the day:

“If I could ask god one thing, it would be to stop the moon. Stop the moon and make this night and your beauty last forever”.

Live fast and dangerously, die young. My mother used it to threaten me, honestly a death before crows feet set in sounded fine to me. I guess I should have specified exactly what I wanted when I went out into the world with a death wish. I never expected to meet my end in the sweet angelic face of the one I loved. My name is Taylor Christanson. My mother and father, I’m sure, wished to raise an angelic and saint like daughter. But I was born with an undeniable urge to misbehave the more they pushed for perfection, the more I rebelled. My perfect older brother liked to suggest I was possessed by a demon. My parents were inclined to agree.

The truth was, like any other teen, I just wanted to be accepted. So when I didn’t get in from my parents, I looked for attention in any form. Acceptance or not, I was going to get attention. I sauntered into my family’s dining room as they had breakfast. “How did you get out?” my mother eyed me, she was in the habit of locking me into my room for normal teenage behavior, but Christian children didn’t take the lords name in vain. “The demons let me out, I let them nibble on my soul,” I said smartly snatching a sausage of my brother’s plate.

“Now Taylor…” my father began

“I know, I know… go say 4 hail Mary’s and go to my room… repent and I shall be forgiven..” I rolled my eyes, “anyone wants me I’ll be in my room speaking to the demons that have so corrupted me...” I didn’t listen to the protests and annoyance from my parents and loudly climbed the stairs and slammed my door after yelling “Don’t forget to lock me in!”

As it was Sunday I spent it doing homework and chatting online until around 6:00 that evening when my phone rang.

“Hello?” I answered my phone.


“No Taylor is dead,” I sighed.


“Jokes…..only jokes…what do you need?” I laughed.

“Hey Taylor. It’s Tristan..Urm… are we still meeting up for your tutor session?” the voice asked me.

“Oh it’s Sunday…I forgot..” I mumbled.

“Oh?” Tristan was a friend of mine from school that we’d tricked my parent into hiring when I intentionally got a c in Math. Really Tristan had never received better than a c- unless it was in Art.

“Yes…I need to be broken out of my room with a crowbar though; mommy dearest is determined to cleanse my soul through isolation….” I rolled my eyes and sighed.

“Leave it up to me, I got your back kiddo,” I could hear him typing away on the computer in the background.

“What do you plan on doing?” I asked him curiously looking into my closet for clothes to wear that weren’t my pajamas. “I’ll call and tell your mommy dearest that I have an earlier curfew tonight because it’s so close to exams and graduation,” Tristan told me and I rolled my eyes.

“You have never in your life even had a curfew,” I scoffed.

"Do you want out or not?" he demanded.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2012 ⏰

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