Chapter 17

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Please read to the end - You may be included!! - Chapter 17!! WOW!! Welcome everyone! Thank you for reading my story! So far it has an amazing 890 reads and 28 votes along with 48 comments including my own :D Thank you all so much for reading and a special thanks to those who vote even once, it means a lot. Commenting is amazing! It makes my day! Another special thanks to Itsmeandonlyme and ReNeExD for always being so supportive! It means so much!! Itsmeandonlyme was the first to support this story so thank you so much! ReNeExD writes some great stories so go check out her work! I would gladly take CONSTRUCTIVE criticism too; it just makes me a better writer!! Anyways, enough of my little speech thingy-ma-bob and onto the chapter!! Don't forget to Vote/comment/fan, you may end up getting a dedication :P

Pic is of Mayarna's mum! AKA, Sophia Bush. She's kind of what I image her to be like!

*I got the facts the nurse says from a site and the link attached to the side if you want to go take a look!*

I shift on my feet, feeling nervous. These are new shoes but I swear by the time we get home the soles will have hole in them. The door opens and a women walks in who appears to be in her thirties. She smiles warmly and points to the seats on the patient side of the desk.

"Sit down dears, Its Mayarna isn't it?" the woman asks in a voice that is thick with an Irish accent. I love Irish accents!! 

"Yep and this is my boyfriend, Oliver, that's my mum." I report and Olive takes my hand in his.

"Ok, well normally you only get one person with you but I am soft.... Before we give you the test, we have some information for you obviously-"

Before she continues I raise my hand and cut her off, "I don't want to know, not now. Give me the test first, I don't want know unless my baby has it," I tell her. If she tells me all the facts I will get all worried and I will always be worried, even if the baby doesn't have it. Mum squeezes the hand that Oliver doesn't have. She wants to know about it but I already told her I only wanted to know if the baby had it. She understood.

The nurse looks at me with an uneasy expression, "Well, I'm not meant to do this but I will. Right, well, how long since you went to the jax?"

I look at her confused, "What?"

Oliver smiles, "She means toilet."

"Yes dear, sorry! I haven't been here long and still some times catch myself talking in Irish slang. I'm trying really hard though."

I smile, "its fine! I love Irish people... Wow, that sounds bad.... I love Irish accents? Ok, just forget I said anything...." I mumble before turning to Oliver, "How the heck did you know that?"

He laughs, "I have Irish blood in me.... I can give you my accent later if you want. It’s easy for me to talk without it because I grew up here."

Wow... Well that's new! 

"So have you been to the toilet today?" she asks.

"About three or four hours ago," I mutter.

"Good girl! You have to have a moderately full bladder for this!"

"So, what's the procedure?" Mum asks from beside me.

"Well, for the Chorionic Villus Sampling or CVS, first we'll give you an ultrasound scan to make sure there's only one baby and to confirm the age of the baby and the position of the placenta. We clean the abdomen, you're tummy with antiseptic solution and the CVS site is injected with local anesthetic. Then a needle is inserted through your abdomen wall until it reaches the placenta. We follow it carefully on the ultrasound screen. A finer needle will then be threaded through the first and a syringe on the end of the fine needle will be used to draw up tiny little fragments of placental tissue. We examine the tissue to confirm it’s the correct tissue type and samples are then taken, just enough that we can perform the test. This will take two or so minutes. Don't worry if you feel dragging or drawing on the pelvis, it's perfectly normal dear. Once this is all done we just need to take another quick ultrasound to make sure the baby is fine and then you can get dressed again and after about a half hour you can head home. You will get the results from your doctor in about two weeks!"

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