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So today...yesterday? The 20th of September (well duh), is/was my 19th birthday. It sucked. I didn’t really have a good time. So I’ve decided that I will take my crappy day and morph it into something nice and brighten someone else’s day! So without further ado a BONUS chapter!


Please keep in mind that this chapter is a bonus that I just wrote literally minutes ago.


Enjoy. <3




“Stupid Inuyasha! Always picking on me!” Shippo pouted in a corner with his arms folded across his chest. I watched him continue on with his grudge that would surely hold until Inuyasha returned.


“Aw, cut it out, Shippo. You know Inuyasha didn’t mean to hit you this time.” Sota said sitting cross legged next to him, adding in a ruffle of Shippo’s thick orange hair. Shippo ducked from under Sota’s hand and Sota gave a small smile. He looked so much like Kagome.


Shippo got up to walk away, grudge still in tact, but Sota lightly grabbed his tail, stopping the young fox demon from making any progress in his walk. Sota gave a light chuckle. Sounds like her too.


Shippo whirled on Sota, threw one of his famous tantrums, and stuck his tongue out. “You guys can’t keep treating me like a kid!” He declared, fire in his voice.


Sota smiled and walked away to a corner of Kaede’s home. There he knelt down to rummage through something on the floor. Shippo retook his seat and crossed his arms again, closing his eyes and throwing his head back in indifference.


“Finally, some respect.” The young fox demon said keeping his posture.


“Oh, Shippo.” Sota called, planting himself in front of Shippo.


Shippo peeked one eye open and tilted his head back to meet Sota’s eyes. Sota stood in front of Shippo with his arms behind his back.


“Yes?” Shippo asked opening his other eye and giving Sota sass.


“I just wanted to make peace, see.” Sota said bending down to be eye level to Shippo and bringing his hand from behind his back. Encased in his hand was a lollipop that Kagome always bought for Shippo whenever he was feeling down. Shippo’s eyes widen and he smiled big.


“Yeah!” Shippo exclaimed and hopped up to grab the candy.


“Hold on, now, Shippo.” Sota said, holding the lollipop above Shippo. “You have to promise to be nice.” Sota said, his “No Nonsense” facial expression matching Kagome’s completely.


“Yes! I promise!” Shippo said, eye balling the candy.


Inuyasha's Promise Kagome's DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now