The Puppeteers Dilemma

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This is a story I have to write for one of my classes ( So excuse the form of writing and lack of pages) and I thought it was epic, and since I haven't uploaded anything in a LONG TIME. I thought, "Eh, might as well." Comment, vote, ya know the rest. :)


The glass of her high school window crunched beneath her boot clad foot. She didn't have long before they found her. Picking herself up off the ground, she ran off in the direction of the cafeteria. From behind her, she could hear shouting. They were closer now. Frantically feeling the back waistband of her pants, she felt the familiar coldness of a revolver. She only had one shot at this. Crossing her fingers, she blindly shot at a Ping-Pong ball filled with gunpowder on the floor. The Ping-Pong ball caused a chain reaction lighting up a line of powder to a door at the end of the hall. Even in her state, she still had perfect aim. Clenching her eyes shut and breathing deeply, she relaxed as a loud bang from the end of the hall resounded. She knew she had seconds left before the whole school went up in flames, His thugs going down with the building.

Within seconds her fight or flight, instinct kicked in. It was as if the whole world was moving in slow motion. She felt light headed as the blood rushed to her legs to make her run faster as she bolted to a door with a red sign above it. The cold crisp autumn air hit her sweaty face as she sprinted onto the yellow lawn. She looked behind her, looking questioningly at the stone structure. She heard it before she felt it. There was a sound like gunfire before the windows of the school exploded outward toward her. She ducked and rolled quickly behind some hedges lining the dark street. She glanced up quickly. Peeking over the hedge, her blue eyes illuminated in the dark, she scanned the building. She smirked darkly; the second charge hadn't caught yet, meaning she had about three seconds to get out of there if she didn't want to be burnt to a crisp. Pulling her black hood over her head, she headed off down the street. Counting down in her head as she walked. Three. Two. One. She felt the magnitude of the blast knock her sideways but nothing could stop her from finding Damon and protecting him. She had to find Damon before he did.

She was trained to be smarter than they were, faster than they were, and this was her job. That's why this case had come to her. Cece Jones was born to be an assassin. It came with its rewards. Killing always killing. After a while, it didn't really matter who they were, good or bad. As long as she was paid, she got the job done. And she was good at it. It didn't really matter to her who the people were. Mob leaders, ex-husbands, potheads, political leaders. They all blended together. And that's what set this job apart from the rest of them. It wasn't about the person she had to kill, it all revolved around his family. He has been known to be a ruthless killer, always taking what he doesn't deserve. But what else can you expect from the future President of the United States? He's nothing at all like he says he is...well, that's what she had been told. It didn't matter to her. What mattered to her was his son, Damon. The one he kept hidden from the world. President Valentine's secret punching bag. He needed someone to protect him, and she would lay her life down to do just that.

Finding Damon was always easier said than done. Valentine always kept him locked up in one of his many estates in the area. Luckily, Valentine liked to follow a pattern unbeknown to him. This week, Damon would be kept locked up in the dark on the outside of town in a gated community called Wii Valley. Unluckily for her, she knew that Valentine would know something was up the minute his goons didn't contact him back. That gave her a good thirty seconds head start. Picking up her walk to a run she made it to the black gate that held in the occupants of the valley. Swinging herself up and over the gate with graceful agility. She slowed down to a walk when she came across a blue house with white shutters. The inside of the house was dark and the front door was unlocked.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2012 ⏰

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