A Dream Come True?

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Chapter One

It was in the middle of the night, where you could barely see your hand in front of your face. I wasn't too fond of the freezing concrete or the frost bitten air swirling around me, but it had soon begun to disappear as I saw a male figure sitting on the steps of my apartment building. He was golden tan, with short brown hair that seemed to glow, and piercing green eyes. He was easily the most beautiful man I have ever seen.

"Savannah?" he asked me with a curious look on his face. I turned to him, knowing what I had to do.

"Yeah. I heard you the first time, Dante." I said annoyed.

"Savannah Snow, you have to choose to become Vampire or Angel." Dante said, then vanished right before my eyes.

I jerked awake from yet another dream. This was the third week in a row I had the same mysterious dream.

I knew the man I saw in my dreams wasn't human, maybe because I, myself, wasn't human.

My mother had told me that I was half Angel and Half Vampire when i was seven. I had never believed her until the night Dante came to me in my dreams; However, Dante never told me if he was Angel or something else entirely. 

Being a Vampire/Angel mix wasn't all that weird. I had a few minor powers and the myths about vampires were all mostly false. I could go out in daylight, but it bothered me a tad bit. I could eat garlic, see myself in the mirror, and I could heal really fast. I did have to drink a persons blood every few weeks. On the otherhand, being an Angel had unknown powers. My mother told me when I was twenty I would unleash them and see what gifts I was given. She had telekinisis and premonitions and said, all too often, that it was common they get passed down from generation to generation.

My father, who was a Vampire, died in a freak accident when I was twelve. I came home from school, seeing dozens of cars in my driveway, and knew something was wrong. That's when my mother had told me daddy was killed in a work accident, never explaining how he died. My father was an owner of a billion dollar Vampire clan and my mother decided to leave her Angel clan to stay at home and raise me.

I opened my eyes from my dream, scared of what I was going to discover. I sat up on my bed only thinking one constant thing. I swore I would never let it happen. I couldn't chose just yet, not when Dante had told me someone would pay for what I chose.


People always say be careful what you wish for, but as I walked into my bathroom I wished something could be done about my situation. I looked in to the mirror at my skinny body, ghost white face, hazel eyes, and waist long amber brown hair. I wasn't as attractive as the models i've seen on tv, but at nineteen years old I didn't really care about my looks. I had a few boyfriends so I wasn't hideous. Turning on the water in the sink, I heard a rustling sound in my shower. I pulled the polka dotted shower curtain back.

"Boo!" Dante exclaimed as I screamed as loud as possible.

"What the hell? Is this another dream?" I yelled.

"No, not a dream darlin', I'm real." He smirked.

I stared at him a moment, confused as to why he would arrive now.

"Your life is going to be changing and I'm here to help. Whether you like it or not." Dante said, appearing to have read my mind.

"So all this time and you now choose to show up in person?" I asked, furious, following him to my living room.

"I wasn't allowed to, I could only appear when my boss allowed me to, Savannah." He said, obvious amusement flashed across his face.

"Your boss? Dante, you need to give me answers. Now." I blocked him from the red sofa.

"I'm a vampire, of course," Dante smiled, flashing his two white pointy teeth. "and my name is Dante. That's all you really need to know."

How did I not see that coming? I believed he was an Angel. He sure looked hot enough to be one. Dante bent down and took a piece of my brown hair into his hand.

"Look, I know you don't like this, but your stuck with me for awhile. I'm not biased on your choice even though I am a  vampire." He tucked my hair behind my ear. He always seemed to bring up my having to choose to be Vampire or Angel.

"What makes you think I'm going to trust you? You are a vampire after all." I watched his strong hands go into his pockets. I mentally yelled at myself for thinking he was attractive as he ran his hand over his tan face. His eyes were the most gorgeous shade of green. It was unreal how green they were.

"I owe it to your father. I promised I would look out for you when the time came for you to choose." he explained. "Your father was a vampire, the leader of my clan and the counsel of Vampires. I was his right hand man and when he died I slowly lost ground in the counsel. Does that explain some things, Savannah?"

Not really, but why shouldn't I trust my fathers right hand man?

"You knew my father?" I weakly asked. 

"Yes, he was a..."Dante searched for the right word. "intimidating man. He had powers that could strike fear into many enemies. But he always showed his immense love for you."

I didn't really know what to say, so I decided to avoid that emotional rollercoaster. My father had always been hard on me. Forced me to learn all my abilities as a Vampire, to be the strongest, most educated Vampire in Virginia. Hell, he made me become the strongest and smartest in all of the east coast.

"So, why are you here Dante?" I questioned, trying to get to the point of his sudden arrival.

"I love the way you say my name. Dante." He mimicked me as I blushed."I'm here to be your personal bodyguard, and whatever else you need me to be." He winked.

Great, so I had a hot flirty Vampire sitting on my living room couch telling me I was in need of being protected. Wait..

"I need protecting?" I screeched. "Why?"

"There will be attacks against you until you make a decision. Both Vampire and Angel will try to persuade you by any means to chose their side. I'm not the only 'bodyguard' that will be sent. There will be an Angel as well, to keep balance. The Angels haven't came yet have they?" Dante seemed calm until he mentioned working with an Angel. Mother told me her and father had a rare union, as Angels and Vampires do not get along.

As the word no was coming out of my mouth an Angel materialized into the room.

"Nice of you to brief our girl on everything Dante." Spoke the ghost white, shoulder length black hair, brown eyed Angel. He and Dante were the same height, at least six feet tall. "I'm Jace."

That's when all hell broke loose.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2013 ⏰

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