Daughter of Egypt.

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Daughter of Egypt

I am from the land of sun and sand,

Where the long legged Ibises wade in cool waters,

Where reeds by the Nile whisper tales,

Where the shimmering sands shift, shaped by the wind,

Where Ra and his boat draw the flaming sun

Across the sky held by Nutt,

Where Seth wages war against Happi, to scorch us with heat,

Where Horus watches us with his silver eye,

Where Temples are sacred and holy,

Where Tombs of the dead are built from stone,

Towering tall to touch the sky and

Lead the souls to the afterlife,

Where the Pharaoh guides and leads,

Where my brother learns his duties

As prince Regent,

Where my cat Nila sleeps in bowers of linen,

Where my pleasure pool shines like silver

When Khnosu draws the moon out,

Where my nurse Ossona sings me to sleep,

Gently crooning stories of Isis and Nephthys and Sekhmet,

While my eyes close in gentle sleep,

My Ba gently floats out of my body,

Pulling me through the Duat,

I see Egypt’s past and future,

But as Ra’s gentle rays emerge from the Skyline,

It returns to me, with no memory remaining of the journey,

From a land of Magic and Time,

One with Gods and Goddesses,

Great Pharaohs and Battles,

It is I who have grown here,

My bronze skin silky with oil and scents,

Dark and heavy wig of blackness adorned with gold and precious stones,

Light gown of Linen and sandals of soft flax,

Eyes as dark as Night, shaped like almonds,

It is I.

The Queen Cleopatra.

Daughter of Egypt.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2012 ⏰

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