Ch. 22 - I'll Take the Punch for You

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•Gerard's POV•

We had been sitting on the bench for a while in complete silence. Elise was laying on my chest while I ran my fingers through her silky, black hair.

I had done it. I let my secrets go, and now my dreams had come true. Everything was perfect. Right now. Perfect.

This was the first time I had really felt happy for a long time. I mean, I had had my moments with Elise earlier this week, but I have a feeling the happiness is going to last this time.

A smile spread across my face, just thinking about everything that has happened in the last few minutes. It was also the first time I was really proud of myself. I did something I have never done before, and it all turned out right.

"Gerard?" Elise whispered as she turned her head up towards mine.


"I mean what I said back there. I love you. I really do. Don't ever underestimate yourself because you are the nicest, most beautiful guy I know".

I smiled and kissed her on the top of her head. I know I was kinda taking this fast, but she seemed to be responding to my affection. Don't blame me, this is my first time in a real relationship. I don't really know what I'm doing.

All I know is, I want her to know how much I love her.

"Elise, I love you more than you'll ever know. You're beautiful and maybe the most caring person I have ever met. You make me so happy, and I haven't been really that happy since I moved here. I really feel this is where I am supposed to be. Here. With you".

She wrapped her arms around me and shoved her face into my chest.

"Thank you, Gee," she said, muffled by my shirt. This was kind of an awkward hug, but I didn't care. I hugged her right back.

"Gerard, I want you to tell me something, honestly," she said with a stern face as she pulled back to face me. I nodded my head, but I was kinda confused.

"Is there something going on with you and Frank? I mean, you seem to not be yourself when your around him. You get very quiet. And then I don't get to really talk to you..."

Crap. Yeah I felt there might be something up with Frank, but I didn't know that I got all weird around him. I guess I just don't notice when I'm quiet, since that's what I'm used to being.

I got off of the bench and brushed off my jeans. I held out my hand for Elise.

"Let's walk," I said, thinking of where to go.

She took my hand and we started walking.

Her hand was small and fragile compared to my large, clammy hands. I noticed that she was a little smaller than I was, which was a shock, since I am usually smaller than anyone around me. Well, except Frank. Nobody will ever be smaller than him. Even Elise's little brother is taller than Frank!

Oh yeah. Frank. Elise's question. Yeah....

"Elise, the reason I get all weird around Frank... is because I'm sort of jealous of him. And I think he is jealous of me".

We had now started walking down the sidewalk, and I decided where I was taking Elise. She looked at me in confusion, but it told me to keep going.


I know I haven't done this before, but I am going to try Mikey's POV for a little, but I'll go back to someone else's point of view at the end of this chapter.


•Mikey's POV•

Elise had left about a half hour ago and it was starting to scare me, that she wasn't coming back. I didn't know where Gerard was either.

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