Chapter 26 - It's called Hyperemesis Gravidarum.

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Travis knocked on the door frame, “Hey you hungry?” Hunter looked up at him, “Sure. She still asleep?” Travis nodded, “Yeah she’s curled up. So earlier today, what happened exactly.” Travis set the ultrasound photo down, “Remember that Riley Biers kid, well his name was mentioned, and she just fainted. Her doctor thought dehydration. You know Leah fought against a newborn army. The newborns were rounded up by none other that,” Travis shook his head, “Riley Biers. So he was turned into a vampire.” Travis nodded, “Yep. Leah tried to fight off a newborn by herself. Well instead, Jacob ended up getting hurt pretty bad. Leah couldn’t forgive herself at the time.” Travis nodded, “I think I’d probably would have needed new pants myself.” Hunter stood up, and walked out to the kitchen.

A soft moan, and I shifted trying to get up. “Easy there.” Fred spoke, and helped me sit up. “Whoa hold on.” He quickly scooped me up, and rushed me to the bathroom. I hunched over the toilet, emptying the lack of contents I’d had in it. “Oh god, it burns.” He stood beside me, “It’s the acid in your stomach.” Hunter came in, and rubbed my back, “We have antacids baby. That’s one suggested thing I read, to help with nausea.” Fred smiled, “Calcium is good for her.” Hunter nodded. “I’m making some ginger tea for her to sip. Should I make some broth as well.” I groaned, “No.” Another round of vomiting. Hunter looked at Fred, “Stay with her, I need to make a phone call.” He stepped out, and called my mom. “Can I do anything Leah?” I whimpered, “Cold cloth.” He moved so swiftly, and held it out to me. I stood up, closing the toilet, and pressed it against my face. “Come on. I can bring you back to the couch.” I let him help me. All I knew was this six foot two vampire, was becoming a friend I needed. When we were apart, I missed him. I was glad he ran away before the battle. He was too kind to ever harm.

“Hello?” My mom answered the phone. “Sue she’s throwing up again. Travis is brewing some ginger tea. She refused the broth. I just don’t know what to do.” My mom spoke softly, “First take a deep breath, and let it out slowly. You’re very nervous, and tense. Vomiting is normal during the first trimester. With Leah, I seemed to handle watermelon, and that was about it. A great fruit, which is more water then anything else. It will hydrate, and nourish her. It won’t be heavy on her stomach. Try that. Now how far along is she?” Hunter spoke, “Eight weeks, and two days. Peanut is doing great.” My mom was so happy, she moved the phone speaking to Charlie. He prominently let out a yahoo, “A second third grandchild.” Hunter smiled. “See Charlie’s happy.” Hunter smiled, “Well there’s more. She also fainted today. They brought her to the emergency room. Dehydration, and her blood pressure was up.” He continued explaining about our run in. “Oh God talk about a small world.” My mom sighed. “Fred was rather shocked when he found out.” My mom listened. “So she’s out of work for a few days, and on rest. Travis, Fred, and Esme have offered to help. We’re going back in two weeks to see how she’s doing.” My mom listened, “Sounds good. I will call and check in. For now, get some rest. Call me for anything ok. Again I’m so happy for you both. Give her my love. Bye Hun.” She hung up. Hunter set the phone down after hanging up, and looked at me from the kitchen. “She’ll be ok. What do we need to get?” Travis asked, pouring the tea into a coffee mug. “Watermelon.” Hunter replied. “Alright I’m on it. Be back in about twenty minutes.” Travis grabbed his keys, and left.

Hunter came out, and sat on the coffee table. He held my hand, and looked at me, “Hi beautiful.” I smiled faintly, “Hi handsome.” Fred quietly left the room, and walked out the back door. “You feeling a little better?” I nodded, “Yeah, just exhausted.” Hunter leaned over moving a strand of hair from my face. “Can we elope?” I asked softly. He looked at me, “You don’t want a wedding baby?” I shook my head, “Things aren’t going in the order they’re supposed to. We’ve already made such big changes.” Hunter smiled, “What about the dress?” I shook my head, “I honestly don’t have it in me to get all dolled up.” He looked at me, and his face showed his concern. “I’m sorry I’m ruining everything you, and Alice have been working on.” He shook his head, “No not at all. I want you happy. One thing you always wanted was a wedding. Talk to me.” The tears started again, “I’m so tired. I have no energy. The idea of getting all made up.” Hunter smiled, “Well I know what the dress looks like. An idea roughly actually. It’s not too heavy. Nothing bulky. Lace, and fitting. I’m wearing a button down white shirt, and khakis. No tuxedo. Alice agreed to flats for you. She know’s how you feel about heels now.” I wasn’t excited, and this worried me. “Listen just relax, and don’t worry about it. If you still feel this way next week, then  we elope. I just don’t want hasty decision making because of you not feeling well.” I smiled, “I just want simple.” He smiled, “Truthfully that’s what Alice has agreed to. I promise you that.” He kissed my forehead.

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