Chapter 7 *A Given Deal*

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Chapter 7

* A Given Deal*

Bethany's POV

I felt the warm sensation of security. Something warm and soothing was draped over me, and a pillow secured my head. I rolled around, letting out a sharp cry at the piercing pain in my chest. My face hit a wall, at the attempt of making a comfortable position.

I opened my eyes, slowly adjusting to the unusual lights around me. Sure enough I was facing a wall, and my eyes widened.

I nearly screamed when I recognized the spiderweb bed under me. I lifted myself up with my elbows into a sitting position, my movements are suddenly causing a wave of pain run through my spine.

My eyes scanned through the familiar room, and I recognized the posters, the newspaper articles framed against the wall, oddly. And there he was-

" Spider-Man?" I quivered.

He had a different mask on, if that's what you want to call the abnormal thing. I could already hint out the sewing errors. It almost took away a smile from me.


I noticed his suit was a tight spandex fabric that matched his perfect features. I could already see his every outline and curve of his biceps, and high broad chest, along with his captivating six-pack. He had extremely muscular arms, and a long queer neck.

"You're awake." he says huskily.

"Who are you? What am I doing here?" I ask with a shaky voice.

"First of all, I recall telling you to call me "Spider-Man". Second of all, take off your shirt."

Wait what? Had I heard that right?

"What?" I screech, gripping the silk covers tighter to my chest. I was alarmed of the fact, I had nothing underneath this shirt. And worse, my jeans were also missing, I was practically naked.

I attempt to move farther away from him, but I fail.

"Trust me," he whispers tenderly.

Is he bipolar, or is it just me? One minute he's sexually harassing me, and them he's being all sweet and tender.

"Why? How can I trust a stranger who dresses like some kind of clown harassing and kidnapping girls?" I narrow my eyes towards him.

He was silent. Then a thought hit me. Was he going to torture me until I hand him his mask/ No, it's my mask, I mentally scolded myself.

"I need you to take off your shirt so I can inspect your wound," he stops nervously. And by his weird uncalled movements, he was flushing hard. Embarrassed much?

"I didn't, um... want to take your shirt off while you were passed out because, because-" his gaze drops to the ground. Now it's my turn to flush.

"But I don't have-" I stutter cautiously.

"I know," he finishes all too quickly. I could tell he regretted what he had said by the way he tensed in the cute boyish manner.

"What?" I stutter, lifting an eyebrow.

"I mean- no forget it. " he leaves the room momentarily, to my surprise. I shoved the soft silky covers off me. That's when I notice their colour is crimson red. It took me a minute to realize it was my own blood.

When I tilted my head to one side, it felt like a brick was thrown at me. The room became a blur, and seemed to be spinning, and my eyes are wandering all over the inside of my head. It took a hard effort to lift even a finger up.

I stood up, my hands gripping the wall for balance. My feet were now loosing direction. All this because of lack of blood wrecking my system.

I hear the door open.

"Hey this is - woah!" the Spider-Man guy took a hold of my waist and maneuvered us, a few inches at a time to the spiderweb bed again.

"You lost a lot of blood." he contemplates, furrowing his eyebrows thoughtfully .

"Here, put this on. It's a spiderweb shirt. You can call it cobweb but either way, it stops the blood from leaking from your wound. "

I studied the perfectly made shirt. It had a silverly colour, and was shaped more into a v-neck.

"I'll go now. You need anything, give me a shout and I'll be there." I nodded, biting my bottom lip. He left the room, without another comment. I waited a couple of seconds before slipping my old shirt off. That's when I notice the ugly scar marked above my upper chest. If you squinted your eyes just a little you'd notice the mauled up flesh between the scar. Blood was still scurrying free, from every direction. I slipped on the spiderweb shirt, that perfectly matched my every curve, making my waist even more noticible.

"Peter!" I shout out.

The door opens and I think curiosly, was he waiting outside the door this hold time? My heart does a double flip.

" Wow," I hear him whisper to himself. When he noticed he had said that too loud he curses silently.

I give him a small smile.

"So Peter why are you doing this?" I ask curiously.

"Whose Peter?" He snorts.

"You!" I retort. Idiot.

Wow was that me? I've never actually talked back to anyone like that, or sounded so confident and so sure of myself. What's happening to me?

"What? No! My name isn't-" He stops quickly, and I scowl in frustration. This had been my chance!

"Call me Spider-Man." He smirks at me.

"So your not Peter Parker?" I press on.

"Nope!" He pops the 'p'

"Interesting." I mutter thoughtfully.

This is getting more exciting now that I meditate on this event and stranger that are curently controling my life.

"Can you at least tell me why am I here?"

"Well, it's my job to help people in need."

"Do you normally bring them here?" I question. His muscles tensed and he stayed silent.

"What's your name?" He asks.

"Call me-" I have to think of a cool phrase or title like his. Ten seconds pass by and still no, as an answer.

"Um... call me whatever you want." I finally concluded.

"Ok," He whispers thoughtfully.

"Let's make a deal, you ask a question and I'll answer and I'll do the same."

"It depends on what kind of question your asking." I glare at him, threateningly.

"Depends," Was his reply.

I wondered if this deal could help me unravel him out. Let's hope I ain't the only one with that objective.


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