Chapter forty-six

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 Sorry It's taken me 3 days to upload but seriously things have just been so busy for me :( Also I'm going to apolojise in advance for a short chapter but I'm off all day tomorrow so hopefully I should be able to get back on track :)

All my love Mel xx

 P.S i havent replied any of your comments yet :( but please note i love them loads and loads and will as soon as i get back as i just wanted to get this chapter uploaded before i go out :) So please keep them comments coming in ha ha ;)

Chapter forty-six

There was only two days left until the wedding and I still hadn’t seen Timmy. I had spoken to him over the phone and that was it. Being kept apart from Timmy was killing me inside and out. I couldn’t bare the thought of living without him for the rest of my life. Lisa had told me that I just had to have faith in Thomas, Stan and Timmy. I knew she knew what was going on but no matter how much I pushed of threatened her, she wasn’t budging.

 Even when I went to bed at night I could hear Thomas and Lisa talk but they always spoke so low that I couldn’t make out a word of what they were saying. What frustrated me more though was that I was never left alone, it was as if they were keeping me hidden but from what or whom I hadn’t a clue. The only thing that they have let me in on is that Stan was now on our side. Which I have to say gave me a little hope but I just couldn’t stand being away from Timmy. If only I could see him for just a few minutes or even seconds, just so I could see him for myself I would feel so much better.

Lisa and Thomas and I were on our way to some up- market boutique for our clothes for the wedding. My stomach sunk at the thought of having to sit through Sarah’s and Timmy’s wedding. I couldn’t do it, I knew I couldn’t. I was hurting enough and having to actually attend their wedding and sit through it all was just too much. I had tried getting out of it but Timmy wouldn’t listen. He told me how it was breaking him having to go through with it all and not to have me there would just completely kill him. I know what he meant but didn’t he realise how much this was hurting me. Damn didn’t he realise what he was asking of me?

 Every night I ended up crying myself to sleep. All of this was just crazy! Lisa I have to say was the best she understood where I coming from and knew this was killing me but at the same time she had this look and attitude as if everything was going to be ok. But the question I kept asking myself was, was it? Was everything going to be alright or was Sarah going to end up winning?

So much has happened that I was both mentally and physically exhausted. I wanted to fight but how and who was I going to fight. I didn’t even know what was going on any longer. All I knew was that the wedding was going ahead but I had nothing to worry about. Well how I was not meant to worry when Timmy was still getting married to that witch! “We’re here” Thomas stated snapping me out of my forever torturing thoughts. Even through all my desperate attempts alone tear managed to escape, wiping it away quickly I stepped out of the car.

We spent a total of six hours shopping for our clothes and to say I was sick and tired of shops was an understatement but with Lisa on a roll I kept quiet and went along with her just as Thomas did. However, finally we had all managed to buy our clothes for the wedding and even though I hated the word wedding at the minute I just sucked it up for Lisa.

 Lisa had thrown so many dresses at me I could’ve screamed but I have to say she had totally knocked me out with this dress. It was a deep purple that hugged all my curves complimenting them at the same time. Its fine silk material gave it an elegant but sexy look to it. I had pair it with silver accessories as well as a pair of silver shoes. Over all I had to say I loved it all and if it wasn’t for such a heart breaking advent, I would’ve been so excited.

Timmy rang me that night just as he did every other night but as usual he wouldn’t tell me what was going on, only that he loved me and that he will fight hell and earth to be with me and he wasn’t going to give up, not now, not ever. Although his words reassured me, they didn’t stop my  raging mind from over thinking things or the fear that overwhelmed me every second of the day and night.

I hated the way Timmy’s voice always sounded so strained and desperate over the phone. It was as if he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders but I guess in some way he was. I just hope whatever it is he is working on works and stops this  bloody wedding because I seriously don’t know what I’d do if this wedding went ahead. Yes at the beginning I said I would walk away but now…. I don’t think I would be able too; especially after all we’ve been through.

 I just hope Stan steps up to be the dad he was meant to be and helps us as he told Thomas he would. Then again I must admit Thomas has been the best, he has not only been helping Timmy but me as well. Lisa is a very lucky girl to have found her other half as they say because after staying with them these past few days, I noticed that they couldn’t have been more perfect for each other even if they tried. Thomas was quite and gentle where Lisa was loud and rough. Ha ha. they balanced each other’s personalities perfectly and I was so happy that Lisa was happy because if anyone deserved happiness it was her.


Not many chapters left now :(

Are they going to be able to stop this wedding or is Sarah going to finally win???

Is stan on their side???

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