Chapter Ten: Accidental findings...

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Previously on chapter nine:

When time stops and the truth lies in a bed of ashes, then I shall tell the truth. The promise constantly in the back of my head. But not all promises are kept, especially not mine.

Chapter Ten:


Inhaling deeply, I take one last puff of my medication. Packing the puffer into my satchel, I pull open my draw and slip on the necklace. Tucking the key into my shirt I make a grab for my books.

I enter the hallways and stop at the stair case. I tip my head to the side, peering slightly into Bianca’s slightly open room. She walks around sluggishly, rubbing her temples and her dirty blonde hair a nestled mess. For a brief second her eyes meet my own through the crack of her door. Spinning on my heel I walk down the stairs.

“Morning, sweetie! How you been? Good I hope.” Mum announces a little too panicked. Not meeting her gaze I grab an apple before walking out of the kitchen.

“Delilah honey you don’t look too good, maybe you should stay home today?” her voices cracks slightly. With my back towards her I frown.

“I have my yearly examinations today. Bye.” Shaking my head I walk towards the front door, dodging looks of pity from the two maids.

Slamming the front door, I march down the estates front steps, ignore Dave completely and head out the secured gates  and walk to school.

I walk in silence for a few minutes before my name is called. Ignoring the source of the sound, I continue to walk.

A hand rests on my shoulder.

Out of instinct I immediately spin around, my hands ready to attack the opponent.

“Woah, woah, calm down.” Samuel smiles sheepishly at me, a hand held up in a signal of surrender. My eyes move to his hand which rests on my shoulder. Removing it, he apologises.

Without waiting for him I head towards the school.

“So Bianca texted me saying she was going to come later in the day, what’s the deal with that?” I shrug my shoulders, pretending to not care at all. But his questions bugs me, Bianca never told me she was coming later.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

I lower my gaze as I enter the looming school gates, un-eager to attend the school at all. Feel eyes falling onto me I brace myself as Maysee’s group of friends come to view. Dodging their odd stares, I repeat the quotes to myself as I silently study whilst making my way to the classroom.   

I sigh. A habit I’ve come fond to these past few days. The crisp paper sits in front of me on my empty desk, beside it my ball point pen. Around me students scrawl onto their papers frantically whereas I simply stare at it. Occasionally I hear a small groan from a fellow student.  I look past my untouched paper to the clock sitting across me. Thirty minutes left. The equations stare blankly at me, lifting my pen I sigh once more.

“Okay times up.” Dr Harvey’s voice sounds. Dropping the pen down, I close the booklet before crouching in my seat. Students beg for an extra minute, others begin to chatter whereas others have regret filling their faces. Probably wishing they had studied a lot harder. Dr Harvey’s hands take hold of the exam paper. I feel his eyes boring into me before he moves on.

A smile for Dee (I'm currently removing it, read the new version)Where stories live. Discover now