Chapter Twenty Five

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Scarlett was staring out one of the warehouse windows with Scott. She had the tingly feeling in her stomach again and she knew that they weren’t getting off the hook tonight. Someone was coming and something bad was going to happen. And Scarlett knew that that something was going to happen to Scott.

They had called Derek who had brought Braeden along to help and Argent was setting up security systems so that they at least had a few seconds warning when assassins got here.

Scott looked at Scarlett doubtfully. “You think this is going to work?”

“No.” she answered truthfully. “I have a bad feeling Scotty. What if one of us get hurt?”

“Then we deal with it. Like we always have.” Scott answered, walking away from the window, Scarlett following with one last glance outside.

Braedon was loading her shotgun and Scarlett envied how put together she looked. The warehouse was just as creepy in the daytime as it was at night. The dust and mould on the glass windows filtered the sunlight, giving the room a reddish glow. Scarlett hated the look. It was like someone’s blood had splattered the walls and the Argents hadn’t been able to stop it from staining. Now that she thought about it that might even be the case.

Scott nodded at Kira as they walked by who was playing with her katana nervously and Scarlett couldn’t help but smile. No matter how badass Kira was, she was always going to doubt herself.

Derek was watching Satomi and her pack worriedly as Scarlett and Scott came up to him. “They’re going to be okay.” Scott said.

Derek finally looked away answering, “They’ve got claws and fangs but they’re not fighters.” Braedon, Derek, Kira, Scott and Scarlett seemed to gravitate towards each other to form a circle.

“That’s why I called you.” Scott said.

“Well try to remember that I don’t have claws and fangs either.”

“That’s why he called me.” Braedon said, nodding towards the former werewolf.

“Am I the only the only one still hoping this was all just a false alarm?” Kira said, eyes flickering between them. “I mean it’s possible we could wait here all night and nothing happens. Right?”

Scarlett looked at her sympathetically as the rest of their little group shared doubtful glances. “Oh, Kira, sweetheart.” Scarlett muttered. As soon as Kira heard her, her hopeful expression crumbled to dust. Honestly, when was it ever a false alarm?

“Scott, Scarlett, have you heard anything from Stiles of Lydia yet?” Braedon asked. Scott turned to Scarlett for her to answer.

“Lyds is still talking to Meredith. Stiles and Malia are headed to the Lake house. They heard something on the recording of my grandmother’s murder.” Scarlett’s voice cracked when she said the last part so Scott took over but not before she managed to mutter numerous curse words directed at Brunski for killing her grandmother.

“They’re trying to stop it.” Scott said.

“What if there is no stopping it?” Brett interrupted, all of them looking in his direction. “What if it doesn’t end until we’re all dead?”

Scarlett couldn’t help it but Brett was really flipping her bitch switch. “You know what I love about you Barry? You’re just a little ray of sunshine, aren’t you? Always looking on the bright side.”

“It’s Brett.” He growled.

Still don’t care.”

“Oh please, you’re just pissed that I whipped your little boyfriends’ ass on the Lacrosse field.” Brett said, trying desperately to provoke her as much as she provoked him.

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