Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Best Friend's- Remie, Hailee, and Claudia

Authors Note- this is the first story, that I plan to finish, I deleted all my other ones. Anyways I'm doing this on my phone, so I'm sorry for any spelling errors and such, but if there are any please tell me, though I'm not sure if I can change them as soon as you tell me. Annyways, don't wanna bore youbbefore you even get to my story, so here it is. And by the way, Hanna's last name, Lupo, means wolf in Italian. Enjoy. ;-)

~~~~~Hanna's POV~~~~~

Smoke filled my senses, and I had trouble finding which way was up or down. Screaming filled my ears, and the smell if the flame was over powering my small six year old body. I kept screaming, and eventually lost my voice. All of a sudden, I felt a pair of strong arms encircle my small body, and carry my out, but I was barely gripping consciousness.

My throat was raw, and my ears numb. I can barely decipher the word whispered to me, but those words stayed with me, "forget everything Wolf. You're mine now."


I awoke with a jolt, the dream already fading from my mind, and the words fading with it.

"Hanna! You better get your butt out of bed in less than ten seconds, or so help me, I will come up there and drag your lazy ass out of it!" I put my feet on the ground and stomped loudly. I contemplated getting back in the covers, but decided against it at the last moment, and stood up.

I grabbed a random outfit out of my dresser and headed to the bathroom to get ready for school. Afterwards, I quickly ran a brush through my long black hair, and threw some make-up on my big green eyes. Finally done, I walked downstairs and started to make breakfast. I quickly scarfed down my cereal, drank my milk, and ran out the door with my backpack on one shoulder and my coat unzipped.

I ran to the bus stop, and right onto my bus, just as the doors were closing. I walked to the middle of the bus, sat in a random empty seat, and stared at faded grafitti for my ten minute bus ride. About seven minutes in, I heard something, and within no time at all. I was strewn about fifteen feet away from the destroyed bus, and in great pain. Not even a second later, my vision started to go fuzzy, and I heard ambulances pull up to the bus. One stopped near me, but by this moment, I couldn't see anything, and all I could feel were people lifting me onto the stretcher, before I fell into unconsciousness.


The sound of rhythmic beeping slowly cut through my senses, and the gentle murmur of voices slowly brought me back to consciousness. I couldn't remember where I was at first, so I started to thrash about wildly in a panic attack, which is normal for me. I heard someone run over to me, then felt a gentle pinch in my arm, before I slipped back into unconsciousness.


I slowly regained my senses again, this time remembering what had happened, and with it came the realization that I was in a hospital, and that I was not alone in this room.

I slowly peeled my eyes opened, , and looked around for the person, who was tapping there fingers, and annoying the crap out of me. I saw a guy, about the same age as me, with light coloured hair, but he was looking at the floor, tapping his fingers on the arm of his chair.

I coughed lightly to get His attention, and immiediatly he was off his chair, and right beside me, with speed that didn't even seem human. I forgot about that though, as soon as I looked into those eyes. I would recognize those eyes anywhere, for they were the first I saw every morning, and thee last I saw every night. We had the exact same eyes, down to the little silver flecs around the pupil of the right eye, and the gold flecs in the left.

"You're awake?" He a asked me and I nodded my head abruptly. "Do you know who I am?" I shook my head slowly, and I could see the sadness enter his eyes at this. "I'm your brother, your twin. And I've missed you so much." At this he threw his arms around me, and I fell into unconsciousnesses waiting arms... Again.


This time I awoke with a start. The thoughts of my brother immiediatly rises to the surface of my mind, and my eyes roam the room in search of him, just to find it empty. Thoughts ring through my mind again, about my brother, my twin brother.

I sit up, and abruptly fall back onto my bed when a pain enters my back. I almost fall unconscious again, but thoughts of my brother rage through my mind giving me the strength to stay awake.I see the call nurse button, and jam my finger into it a few times, waiting for the nurse to show up.

After a few moments of waiting, the nurse comes in, and seeing me awake, starts to check all my systems and machines over.

"Are u in any pain?" She asks me, and I nod my head in reply. "Is it your back?" She questions again, and I give a sharp little nod in reply. She starts to speak again, "When your bus was hit my the semi, it broke in two, and you were the only one who came flying out, and survive. Actually, you are the only one to survive the accident. We don't know how, but you survived, and are healing with flying colours. Is there anyone you wish to contact?" She holds out a pad of paper, and a pen, which I slowly take, and start to write on.

'Where is my brother?' I wrote in capital letters on the paper.

"We have had no news from any of your relatives, and as far as we know, you have no brother." And with that I fainted... Again.


Author's Note- I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, and I will try to update regularly, but it's my first year of high school, and I'm not allowed on wattpad. So enough from me. Hope you liked it, have a great day. ;-)

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