It's just Isabella, it's just Isabella, it's just Isabella. You've hung out with her lots of times before. It's nothing new. Just act like you normally do around her and be cool.

Ugh, what if I mess up though? We haven't hung out alone in so long—well, unless you count that time in the library. But that was only a fifteen minute conversation, so that doesn't count, right?

Shit, maybe I should just leave—


Too late.

When I saw her, my senses came alive, and I was struck by her beauty. When my eyes met hers, I was happy to see that she wasn't wearing those stupid contacts that hid the intensity of her eyes. They shone back almost silver-like behind her glasses and when those tinted red lips of hers smiled, my heart skipped uncontrollably in my chest.

"Um, hey."

"Hey Jason." She blinked, her mouth pursed and slightly open. "What exactly are you doing here?"

Deep breaths, Jason. It's now or never.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?"

The anticipation that erupted through my body felt like tiny electrical sparks that shocked every visible layer of my skin. As I waited and waited for an answer, I desperately tried to hide how nervous I was in front of her. But, one could only willed their body to obey to such a degree. So, when I finally saw the nod of her head, the perspiration that started to occur died down a notch.

"Sure, just let me tell my parents."

My grin got wider as I nodded. Those simple words just made my month and everything better. Finding out that the girl you're practically in love with was dating your best friend pretty much spiraled me into a fit of rage and depression. I knew I should be happy for him, but I wasn't. I wanted nothing more than their relationship to end up in flames.

"My mom said yes. Come on, let's go!"

Before I could say anything, she took my hand in hers. I looked down at our hands entwined together as she made a beeline towards my car. It was only for a brief moment, but it really made me miss the times we had together as children.

"So, Jason, what made you decide you wanted to hang out with me today?"

"I wanted to get to know my best friend's girlfriend more." I shrugged, as I lied smoothly on the surface. While on the inside, I almost wanted to vomit for saying that.

"Oh." She nodded, accepting my answer. "Where exactly are we going?"

"To the park."

"The park?" she repeated. "Why?"

"You don't like the park?"

"Of course not," she said quickly, almost stuttering with her words. "I love it. It's just that I—"

"—never thought I'd bring you there?"

I saw the shock register on her face before she could hide it. A small smile played on her lips as she agreed with me. "Yeah, exactly."

"Well, there's a first time for everything." I chuckled, holding out the door for her. She climbed into the passenger's side quickly and whispered a small thanks in return. When I was situated in my own seat, I fastened my seatbelt and turned to Isabella. "You know, there's plenty of fun stuff we can do at the park."


"Nature hikes, swinging on the swings, going down the slides, building sandcastles . . ."

My High School Life [Rewritten - Ongoing]Where stories live. Discover now