Nice To Meet You.

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The day had turned to night so easily while we were out here. We had fun playing games, splashing around and talking. I couldn't remember a time where I ever felt so carefree in my life. Now that I think about it I couldn't really remember much. Sitting here now on the banks of the lake I tried my hardest to remember something, anything while the sounds of Owen and Horus in the background distracted me.

"Come back in and have fun!" Owen called out from the middle of the water as he climbed onto Horus' back. Laughing at their antics I stood up to go back into the water but a sharp pain in the back of my head caused me to stop dead in my tracks. Wincing, I stumbled back a bit feeling the pain throbbing in my head.

"Wha-What is that?" I questioned myself as I sat back down. The pain continued and I grimaced as it began to get worse. It was as if something out there was trying to call to me, to tell me something that was important.

"What's wrong Decky?" Horus questioned as he climbed out the water.

"My head..." Was all I could muster.

"Wh-What's wrong wi-with it?" He stuttered looking around frantically.

"It hurts, like something's trying to get through but it can't." I tried my best to explain.

"Don't worry about. Let's just get back into the water with Owen, huh?" He asked as he stretched out his hand, reaching for mine. His fingertips just grazed mine when that sharp sting sensation came back. Jerking away from him I moved towards the edge of the bushes that surrounded the lake.

"Aww...Where are you going?" Owen called sadly as he too got out the lake with a cute little pour on his face. 

"I...I don't know." I whimpered as I pushed through the bushes, the branches scratching at my bare skin but somehow the pain was directing me in this direction. I continued to push through until I made it to the sand dunes on the other side.

As soon as my feet hit the sand a sense of familiarity surged up within me. In seconds it seemed as if the sand began to shake and sift around me. Something wasn't right here and I knew it. Horus began calling out to me frantically as the sand began to pick up around me. In a panic I screamed as I tried to push through it but there was no way for me to get out.

Shouts mirroring my own could be heard from behind where I was standing but I could see nothing as the sand shielded me from everything on the other side. It sounded like the sweet voice of Owen but I couldn't be sure.

"What's happening?" I shouted out in distress. "Why's this happening?" 

"Damn!" Was all Horus could say before I felt like I was being sucked through time and space itself. My breath was taken from me and I couldn't even scream if I wanted to. I was so lost I didn't know how to act or what to do. My body felt like it was been stretched and squished all at once as I was pulled through what I was now calling the sand tunnel of death.

Finally the breath began to come back to my body as the sand began to slow around me. I caught glimpses of what I assumed to be a room of some sort. As I collapsed on the floor I took in a deep breath, trying to get some type of air into my lungs as the sand that surrounded me began to drop to the ground.

As sat there kneeling on the floor panting, trying to catch my breath, I noticed a pair of feet in front of me. Allowing my eyes to trail up those legs was probably the best decision I had made since...well since leaving the oasis.

"Wh-Who are you?" I questioned as my breathing came back to normal.

"What?" When he spoke it's like my entire body was on fire. Aching and needy for whatever this man could give me. His black hair was smooth and tucked behind one hair as he leaned forward to peer down at me. His eyes were mesmerizing and his lips were so plump that I wanted to just pull him down and kiss the life out of him. It was the same way I had felt about Owen.

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