Chapter 2: Amy

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Tiffany had had the dream again, and I knew full well that she couldn't have been in the best of moods. So I was just about ready to slap Lily when she made the comment regarding Dan. Even if Tiffany could be stubborn about the idea of working with a girl she hated, no-one deserved that. I could feel my hands clench into fists, and was about a nanosecond from blowing my cover and punching Dan into oblivion when Lily's work set on fire. 

At first I'd assumed it was Lily. When fires randomly go off, the first thing anyone does is look at a daughter of Blaze, especially one with a quick temper. But then I noticed Tiffany. For a second, I could have sworn her hair turned red as Lily's, but nobody noticed because they were too focused on the fire. Then her hand shot to her wrist, gripping her charm bracelet hard before she went pale. I was half out of my seat when she fainted, toppling face forward into the desk. Thankfully Lily put the flames out before she landed, else she'd have burnt her hair off.

Mrs Butler stared at Tiffany, clearly having no idea what to do. I rolled my eyes at how useless she was and walked over, pulling Tiffany upright. I knew she'd be mortified when she woke and remembered what had happened, so I tried to get her out as soon as possible.

"Amy Warden! Where exactly do you think you're going?" Miss Butler hadn't missed me going over to the table, which wasn't hard with everyone looking at Tiffany. I hoped the girl didn't wake up in the next five minutes, or there'd be problems.

"To Miss Frances. She's the first aider and has Tiffany's meds, which only I can give her since only I know how to give Tiffany her shot. Anything else?"

Butler looked like she wanted to argue, then let me go. Thankfully I didn't need a note since most teachers would assume we were on free periods, and I managed to haul Tiffany into a thankfully empty bathroom seconds before she woke up.

"What the... where am I?" Tiffany's nose wrinkled as she took in the scent of the bathroom. "What the hell am I doing here? The last thing I remember is...fuck!" Tiffany was on her feet in a nanosecond as the memory of our geography class finally hit her. "I can't believe I fainted! Near a fire! The hell?"

Despite the seriousness of the situation, I struggled not to laugh. Tiffany thought of me as always in control, but that was only because she had no idea of how good an actress I could be. I couldn't restrain the slight grin that appeared on my face though, so clearly I wasn't going to be winning Oscars anytime soon. "It wasn't that bad. I got you out of there as soon as I could."

"The diabetes excuse?"

"Yeah." Me and Tiffany both knew that she didn't have diabetes. Her mum had checked. Whatever the reason for her fainting spells, it certainly wasn't normal. Especially since Tiffany wasn't the type to faint at just about anything. The real question was whether Tiffany's fainting spells were because of something that couldn't be explained by typical science.

Like, say, if Tiffany was an elemental.

But then, if she was, why would she faint? And the fire had been too small to make even someone with weak abilities pass out.  It had to have been Lily that did it. I'd ask her later, providing she didn't bite my head off first. If Tiffany thought her problems with Lily were bad, she needed to spend a day in my shoes.

Tiffany turned to the mirror, whisking makeup out of her bag and applying it. When she was done, she turned to show me her handiwork. "So how'd I look? Can you tell I looked like a hangover victim five minutes ago?"

I shook my head. "Nope." It was true. I still didn't understand how she applied the stuff so well considering that she barely even wore it, but she could practically be a makeup artist. You'd have to know her as well as I did to notice the signs that she'd fainted in class -like the fact that she was pale under the blusher. "The next bell's going soon though. You going to English?" we both knew it was a dumb question. Tiffany's mum, Olivia, would probably have a heart attack if she found out that her daughter was bunking class.

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