Chapter 17- Girl Talk

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  Warning: This chapter is really very short. (Sorry for that!)

But still hope you love it all the same. :)


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                           Chapter 17- Girl Talk


I stifled back a yawn. Rubbing my eyes vigorously and holding on to my teddy bear with one arm, I looked at Stacey sleepily.

“Is it already time to get up mummy?” I asked her in a cute baby voice.

Stacey raised an eyebrow but played along.

“It sure is baby girl. Now let’s get up and have a fun fun day.” She said in a very energetic voice. She turned to the others and shouted, “Okay girls, GET UP!” Translation: MEN! GET UP! AND ASSEMBLE BEFORE ME!

Kate kept mumbling something like “Five more minutes Captain”.  Diana pulled the sheets over her head and Aria just turned to her side. Sally was tying her shoelace already. I wondered what time it was. I looked out of my window and could see the sun just rising in the horizon. No wonder they were all asleep.

Hey, wait a minute... Why the heck am I wide awake?!

No no this is so wrong! I am usually the last person to get up!!

I thought back to the previous day and found the reason for my restlessness.


As much as I tried, I could not rid myself of the memory of her crying in that dark room. Okay, she totally was something that rhymed with witch, but that didn't mean I could stop myself from feeling sorry for her.

She looked so pitiful, sad and lonely. I would have added weak to my list of adjectives for her but no.... Jessica was not weak. Not after the way she lashed out at me.

You have to choose. You’re just hurting both of them. If you hurt Nathaniel again... I’ll... I’LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!

Jessica's words came back to me painfully.

I was hurting them. Nathaniel and Adrian.

You like it don't you. All the attention.

No... No that's not true! I don't!

You like playing with them.

“NOOOOO!” I yelled out, holding my head in my hands like I had a bad hangover.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up into Stacey's concerned gaze. I saw Sally behind her, looking at me.

“Hey, are you alright?” Stacey inquired.

“Yeah... I'm fine... Sorry...” I mumbled

Stacey just looked at me intently like she was trying to read my mind.

“You know Clea...” Stacey told me softly, “I’m here if you need me. I'm not just your counsellor; I'm your friend too.”

I gave her a small smile, “Thanks Stace. But I'm fine.” Liar liar pants on fire. “Really, I am.” I said, trying to block out the stupid voice in my head.

Stacey gave me a smile and turned to wake up the others. Count on them not to wake up when there was someone screaming. Speaking of which.... I got up and looked into the upper bunk. My supposed BFF who was currently snoring her nose off (not really) was still asleep!

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