Agent 001... Direction

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~~> UPDATE AS OF 2015: I am going to warn you now, before you continue or not. This story was written almost three years ago, meaning there are probably a bunch of carroty elements you might find as you read along. I went through an extreme editing in every chapter, but I couldn't do much. The rest is up to you. Happy reading :D

Oh by the way, the first trailer is on the side if you wanna see it, the second one is on the next page.


Hey guys! This is my first fanfic, the idea of this is technically having some action in it. Since I've seen many fanfics in the Fan Fiction and Humor section (Not to say romance as well... Sappy lol) I was like, how about if I do one in action... That would be... Interesting....


Please DO NOT copyright. that's illegal and its not nice. I made up these ideas, so can you. So you better get that creative side of yours working. :)

This is (sadly) a fan fiction, meaning I am not affiliated nor involved (sadly) with One Direction.

Without much further ado, hope you enjoy this!



Before you get any further, I warn you that this is not your typical spy story.

You might think it is...

But, it's not.

Well, where do I start? I'm a highly trained agent/spy working for a small division controlled by the CIA. You can say I'm an advanced 16-year-old. Yeah, I had a very difficult past, but here I am now, working for one of the biggest agencies in the world.

I was so excited of getting my first mission as a full-pledged Agent, so could you please tell me why do I have to guard on a world-famous band?

Agent 001... DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now