Chapter 3 - Rainbow Dash (Human)

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AUTHORS NOTE: Hello! Just a little message to you all: I've had some complaints in my inbox that this fanfiction is too sexual. I clearly clarified at the beginning of the fic that it would include femslash, alcohol, adult themes, bad language, and scenes of a sexual nature. If you dont like this then I would advise you not to continue reading this fanfic. Thanks :) ~

- Rainbow Dash - 

Back in the main party, AJ and I leant up against a wall, watching drunk teenagers stagger around the room, trying to impress each other with their embarrassing dancing. I could dance better than that in my sleep, and not just because I was an athlete. Their dancing really was horrendous.

I looked to AJ. She was staring drearily at the floor. I'll admit, she'd been a bit off all day, but she'd just gotten worse after her little tiff with Applebloom. I needed to cheer her up, but I didnt know how. The things I could think of, well...I'm not sure she'd be comfortable with them.

"AJ," I shouted over the music. "D'you wanna show these losers how to really dance?"

She looked confused. "Huh? I cant hear you!"

I rolled my eyes and twined my fingers through hers, dragging her into the mass of bodies. Once we were at the centre of the dancefloor, I turned to AJ and started moving to the music. She looked slightly panicked.

"Rainbow! I really dont dance!"

I laughed. "Who cares? Just copy me!" I closed my eyes and sighed. Vinyl was playing a really good song.

After a moment, I felt someone touch my arm. I opened my eyes and saw that AJ was stood with crossed arms and an unimpressed expression on her face. I turned to where she was looking.

The front door had been swung open, and many young boys were entering, following Scootaloo, who was dressed - and I hate to admit this - like me. She walked over to the kiddy corner, where Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were whispering to each other, and sat down. The boys all crowded around, all trying to take a seat on the limited amount of bean bags.

I then saw what Applejack was annoyed about. Both Sweetie Belle and Applebloom had a boy sat beside them, slightly too close for comfort. Sweetie Belle's boy looked relatively harmless - I mean, he had a propellor hat on - but Applebloom's looked a lot more like a womaniser.

AJ started over, but I grabbed her around the waist, trying to use my athleticism to overpower her raw muscular power. After a few paces, I managed to get her to stop. I turned her to me and took her cheeks in my hands. I had to stand up on tiptoe to do so, since she was so much taller than me.

"Hey, just leave her. They seem perfectly harmless." 

"I cant-"

"Dude! Just chill!" She pulled herself away from me and stormed out of the house. I knew I had to follow her, but she probably wanted some space."Ugh.." I groaned and followed her out of the door. I didnt wanna know what would happen if nobody calmed her down.

I walked out into the crisp air, looking around in the dim light. "AJ?" I called. I walked onto the road. "You out here?" A sheet of fog had fallen over the road, limiting my vision to a few metres. I turned back to the house, and just as I was about to call out again, I heard the screech of tires, and felt a body barrel into me, pushing me out of the road.

Once the screech of tires had faded, I opened my eyes and looked at the person that had saved me. Obviously it was AJ - the only other friend's I had that would risk their lives for me were in the party.

"Are you okay?!" She asked anxiously, inspecting my face and body.

"Yeah, I think so." Physically, yes I was okay. Mentally? Definitely not; I could feel myself shaking uncontrollably. "Are you?" I looked at AJ, who was still crouched over me. She was breathing heavily, and her tanned cheeks were flushed from the cold.

"Ah'm fine." She breathed. We spent a long moment staring at each other, both grateful to be alive. 

Eventually, I smiled. "Thanks." 

She smiled back at me for the first time that day. "Well, ah couldnt let my date die, now could I? That would reflect badly upon me for future dates." She winked and pulled herself up, giving me a hand when she was on her feet. I stumbled forwards, my ankle giving way. A pain shot up through my leg; I winced, but relaxed when I realised that AJ's arms were around me.

"Here, let me carry you." She chucked, hoisting my legs up over her arm and holding me around my back. It didnt feel foreign or unnatural; it felt right. For a while I'd been telling myself to get a grip; that AJ was first and foremost my friend; that I couldnt ruin that friendship. However, as she carried me back into the house, I smiled and settled into her soft embrace. Who cares if our friendship changes? Who cares if it's taboo?

I'm in love with my best friend. And that feels pretty awesome.

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