Tales of Lost Friends- Book 1 Rae

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My name is Rae Lokisson; I was killed protecting what I love. I would like to share my story with you, so that you may know who I was and what I did. I didn’t have very many friends, only a few close friends came to mourn me. I had many enemies. Most of my enemies, I had acquired not for anything I did or what I had said to them in life, but for the one simple fact, my father was Loki. He had made many enemies and my enemies had come to the thought that I would as well. They didn’t want me as a friend; for fear that I might stab them in the back when I had the chance.

As I have already told you, I didn’t have many friends. Those friends I did have were closer to me than anyone else could be. Our bond was formed stronger than Gleipneir, and was growing ever stronger with each passing day. My last few weeks were among the best I had ever had. My friends and I were visiting our friend George in Tucson. He lived with his father and was different from the rest of us. George’s appearance was that out of an anime book about a Wolf boy. He still mourns my passing with each passing day. I wish I could let him know the truth about where I have gone but I fear Odin might not allow it. So We’ll just keep that little secret between us shall we?

Tales of Lost Friends- Book 1 RaeWhere stories live. Discover now