Chapter 7: Admirer

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Hayyyyy!! Third week of college starting up! Please vote & leave feedback if you enjoy! Thank you!! <3

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                I’m in the club. Now what? I texted V.

        I knew immediately what kind of club it was—actually, I had expected this—but I hadn’t planned for it. Emilia definitely knew just the place to take us.

        She had taken us to a place infested with horny, drunk, and in-your-face, vampires, and I couldn’t help but wonder from the moment we entered the club, whether or not

        "Maybe Emilia just wanted to take us somewhere fun!” Anna screamed over the ear-crunching volume of the club music. “She seemed nice!”

        “I’m telling you,” I began, tossing the contents of my alcoholic drink over my shoulder and scanning the crowd,” Dmitri and Emilia are old vampires. They knew immediately what I was! I need to stake the girl, then leave! They’re probably at the bar planning on how to kill us tonight, instead of ordering more drinks, because they didn’t want to make a mess at the restaurant!”

        “Dmitri would never hurt me!” Anna eyed the bar, and on cue, Dmitri turned around and gave us a small wave. “He was really sweet!”

        “Oh, yeah?” I set my drink down. “How sweet is he going to be when he’s biting your neck?”

        Anna frowned. “You’re just jealous because Dmitri was into me, and not you!”

            “You’re prrreeetty,” a vampire at my ear slurred. This was the problem with dark clubs and strobe lights. You couldn’t see the leaches sneaking up on you. This vampire was harmless and stupid.

            “Oh, you got me! I’m just so jealous of you and how you’ve landed a dead guy who, in his spare time, enjoys a nice mouthful of hot O Neg in his mouth!”

            Anna jabbed a finger in my face. “Jealous! He’s hot, and you’re jealous!”

         “You boob! I’m a ‘You know What’! I am not jealous at all! I’m not attracted to fang faces, Anna! I can’t be! I ‘You Know What’, them in the ‘You Know What’!”

        “Wait, what?”

        “I stake them!” I shouted, and for a moment, I swear the crowd around me went dead silent, so I quickly moved Anna to a different side of the room. “Now stick to the plan, Anna. We’re here to stake Emilia.”

        “You’re so prrrrrrrreeeettttyyy. I want to lick you all over.” I whipped around and punched the drunken, shadowy vampire behind me right between the eyes with my holy water knuckles. His body crumbled to the ground and a hoard of drunken vampire girls stumbled over is unmoving body. “We’ve got to get these fang faces drunk. It’ll be easier for me to get Dmitri once he’s pounded back a couple of dozen shots. Fang faces have a high tolerance for alcohol,” I took out a small bag from my dress with white powder, “but if I shake a little of this in his drink, he’ll be drunk in no time.”

        “What’s that?”

        “I call it, Tipsy Vamp Powder, and that’s all I’m going to tell you about it.”

            “So that’s what we’re going to do? Just sit here, and wait for Dmitri or Anna to get mind-blowingly drunk, so we can separate Emilia from Dmitri and stake her?” Anna nervously scanned the dance floor, where multiple couples were grinding against each other and sinking their fangs into each other’s necks. “What if someone sees?”

            “Then I’m getting you in a taxi and sending you straight home, then staking every witness!”

            “Hey!” Anna’s expression turned sour right as the music in the club blared to an all time high. Now we were practically screaming at the top of our lungs. “You lost at rock, paper, scissors! Therefore, I, Anna, the winner, gets to see this entire mission to the end!”

            “I should have never agreed to that game!” My phone buzzed in my hand. “Took him long enough to respond, we’ve been in here for like an hour!”

            “V texted you?” Anna’s face lit up with excitement amongst the flash of a strobe light. “Let me see! Let me see! Did he send you nudes?”

            I gave Anna a death stare, shutting her up. She looked over my shoulder to read the text.

            I told you to call me once you got to the club, as in, orally communicate with me. I didn’t want you to text me. Can you not follow simple directions? -V

            I literally laughed out loud. Was he seriously scolding me for texting him? Why was he so set on me following his every command? Oh right, he was an old ass vampire. I can follow directions quite well; actually, I began to text.  I just choose not to follow yours all the time. Now what’s the deal with this whole, ‘Let the target take you here, and call me’ deal? Trying to set me up to kill me, or are you really so eager to get rid of this woman, that you need an update when everything goes as you planned?

            My phone buzzed. I wonder how aroused you would get from my bite, kitty-cat.  –V

            As I read over that text, my face heated up with what I hoped was anger, but knew was something a lot more dangerous.

            Anna smacked me in the arm. “Oh….my…” She smacked my arm again. “He wants the V!”        

            Where are you?

            Buzz. Don’t kill the target. Find me instead. Let’s see how good you really are, hunter. -V

            I was so furious that I felt like I was walking amongst the molten hot lava of a volcano. The target wasn’t supposed to be killed, which most likely meant V had used the target to get me at this club.

            I’m going to stake you if I find you. Nobody screws with me, buddy. Nobody.

            Buzz. I'd screw you, kitten, if you asked nicely. -V

            That was the last straw. I stood up to my feet. “I’m going to go stake this bast—“ I started to say to Anna, when I realized she wasn’t behind me. I looked back at the bar, to find Dmitri and Emilia walking my way with drinks in their hands.

            Buzz. Great punch. I let you hit me, though, and it won’t happen again. I punch hard, but I bite even harder. -V

        My heart skipped a beat. I checked the floor around me, to find the ‘preeetty’drunk vampire, who I had thought I knocked unconscious with one punch to the face, gone.

        One fatal error, and my best friend was nowhere to be found. My worst fear was becoming a reality.

        For the first time in a long time, I had let my guard down.

        I leafed through every curse word I knew and screamed them all to the pounding music of the club.

        V had taken Anna.

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Twitter and Instagram: Katrocks247


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