Friendship for Dummies-- ONE SHOT

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Hi Leigh. I love your story even though I read it on my actual account, I'm using this one to write the one shot. :D This is going to be about their child years later. In Georgie's POV. It's going to be really short--not as long as a full chapter.


     "Conner, honey can you get that?" My voice's volume a little louder than usual, trying to stay collected over Quinton's screaming. I hold Quinton in my arms, gently murmuring soft children's tunes. His crying dies down to soft whines and he looks at me with his big blue eyes. I run my fingers through his dark colored hair. All I can think of is how beautiful he is.

     Then, Conner is standing in front of me, a huge grin evident on his face as he holds out the phone. "I think you should take this one. I'll take Quinton," he smiles. I pass our boy to Conner gently, like he is a beautiful vase that can't be handled without ease. I smile as Conner walks around the room with Quinton.

     I place the phone aginst my ear, unsure of who I was going to hear. "Hello?"

     Ava's voice responds, weak, but strong. Happiness is clearly written in her tone, even though she is breathless. "Georgie. They didn't want me to call, but I insisted that I was the person that had to tell you." My eyebrows furrow in confusion as I try to think what she is talking about. "It's a girl. Her name is Savannah." I can't help, but laugh and smile at my stupidity.

     "Congratulations Ava! I thought she wasn't due for a few more weeks."

     "She wasn't, but I guess she wanted to come out," Ava spoke, her tone more mature than I have ever heard her. The voice of a mother.

     "Are you allowed visitors?"

     "I'm not even sure, but just come, they should let you in." I could tell Ava was smiling. She probably felt tired and weak, but she still wants me to come to visit. I knew the feeling. It has been only six months since I went through the exact same thing. I could never froget that day, just like Ava will never forget this one.

     It was rainy and dark. I was at home, laying on the couch, reading a book that Conner had bought me. I was always tired and the days felt drawed out before Conner would come home from work. Conner came inside and took off his boots that were soaked right through. "The storm isn't going to pass us by, the cloud is headed straight over us." He pulled off his jacket and hung in in the entrance way.

     Conner came to me and kissed me lightly on my forehead. For some reason, Conner felt he had to be very delicate with me during my pregnancy, which he was probably right. He would never let me forget how clumsy I used to be in my teenage and young years. Suddenly, I started to hurt everywhere. My breaths became rapid and Conner's eyes widened. He looked up at the calender, checking the day. Quinton came a few weeks earlier than he was supposed to as well.

     "I think..." I began, my sentence was replaced by a deep moan.

     "I know, c'mon, we have to go." Conner took his jacket that he was wearing and wrapped it around my shoulders. "It's still raining really hard." He shoved his feet into the soles of his boots, not bothering to tie them and he rushed me out to the truck, holding my hand.

     The truck slipped against the sides of the road, even though Conner was being careful, he felt the need to panick and run. He had the window wipers on the fastest speed, but the rain would not subdue. He rushed me into the hospital. I tried to keep my moaning and pain in check, but I didn't care. People had to see this everyday. I got rushed to the room straight away. I remember hearing the doctor say, "She's fully dilated, get her in." I was both scared, but happy.

     When I first layed eyes on Quinton, I knew he was going to be beautiful. He resembled his father so much, even though I could see some things he got from me. Afterwards, when I was resting, I realized through the blinds that the sun had come out right after Quintion was born, it was so surreal.

     "So Georgie, are you coming?" I must have lost track of our conversation. Oops.

     "Yes, Ava. I'll be there soon." I clicked the phone off and looked at my family. Quinton smiles brightly at his daddy and I smile to myself again.

     "We have to go to the hospital you guys." Conner decides to drive while I feed Quinton with a bottle of milk that I had pumped earlier in the week. When we walk in, the familiar smell of the hospital hits me. It doesn't bother me as much as it used to, but it's still not a lovely smell.

     "We're here to see Ava," I say to the lasy at the front. She is heavier, with bouncy unruly hair like mine, but hers is dark brown.

     "She is just upstairs in room 413." Her red lips smile nicely at Quinton. "Hi there little guy." Quinton stares with confusion, trying to take in everything that he is seeing.


     We head up to Ava's room and Ava smiles when we enter the room. A little girl with brown hair sleeps in her arms. "Hi Ava," I whisper softly.

     "Hi Georgia. Conner." She says, adressing our names in parts. "How is Quinton?"

     "He's good. Just a little confused."

     "That's understandable." I nod. Savannah shuffles and starts to cry, waking up. With her sudden outburst of tears, Quinton cries at the same time. I sit down beside Ava on the edge of the white hospital bed. Quinton stops crying and looks at her. Savannah stops too, but closes her eyes again. Quinton reaches out to her, but she does nothing.

     "They're going to be best friends," I smile.

     "Yeah they remind me of a certain other two people that were childhood bestfriends." My cheeks heat up the slightest bit. I look back at Conner and through his expression, I can tell he was thinking the same thing.


So, this is really not my best writing, but I hurried to make a one-shot anyways for you. Hope it wasn't TOO pitiful. :P



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2012 ⏰

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