Chapter 24

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'Dear Miss Williams,

I am aware you need arrangements for the upcoming Christmas holidays. Noticing who your friends are the school and I have decided you will be staying at Edward Lawson's house. His family is aware and they are welcoming you with welcome arms.

We do not usually accept girls sleeping at boys houses but due to the circumstances and recent events this is an exception. Also, Edward's parents will be notifying the school and your family on how your visit has gone.

If your visit is positive with no bad behavior then you will be allowed to continue staying at the Lawson's house. However if your visit has negative points we will be finding alternative accommodation.

Edward's house was not the school's first choice but all of the other families have made arrangements to visit various abroad holidays, so Edward was the final choice.

Your family agrees this is an appropriate place for you to stay.

We will expect you back at school on the 4th January in the New Year.

Enjoy your celebrations.


Mrs. Williams,

Head teacher.'

Is what the letter read.

Nothing more, nothing less and nothing telling me my 'family' will miss me.


Eddie was reading over my shoulder, he squeezed my hand tightly and whispered in my ear.

"Hey, I promise this will be the best Christmas you have ever had'

"I know it will, because I'm with you"

So apparently I don't have a family. I don't know what family she is on about, as after all I have been disowned. The fucking waste of space. I stormed up to her office, but knocked calmly on the door.

"Come in" just hearing her snobby voice irritated me. Walking around like she is better than everyone where as she isn't half way there to being better than anyone. Not even the chavs that appear on Jeremy Kyle. No, I have to keep calm.

How do I keep calm though? She's never been a mother.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Williams" I said in a posh English accent mocking hers.

"What's the matter Vic?" asked 'mother' casually.

"Vic? Who is this Vic you talk of? I do not know Vic" I replied, looking around for Vic.

"Victoria, I do not have time so hurry up and get your point across"

"That is no way to speak to a student" she just glared at me.

"What is the matter?!" she almost screamed at me, I pretended to jump.

"I just wondered who this family is you speak of in my letter, I don't recall having one after all nobody cares about me, so who is it? Do I have a long lost aunt who actually cares about me?!" I leaped up pretending to be happy that I have a 'long lost aunt' to be honest I am quite impressed with my performance. I've never been good at acting but when it comes with a prize of pissing 'mother' off. Then it is certainly worth not listening all the time whilst my drama teacher rambled on and on about how he dropped egg yolk down his perfect white shirt and it inspired him to become a drama teacher.

"Victoria, stop being stupid your father and I are your family" she replied.

"No, no, no, because after all you disowned me when everyone got in a fight with Libbie yet it's only me who gets the blame because I am everything Libbie isn't. Yet Libbie is everything you wish I was, don't even deny it."

"Oh I won't deny it darling, Libbie Lester is perfect, she has the brains and the lovely hair, and you, let's be honest though you are a waste of space." the words from my own mother.

"Waste of space? Is there an invisible mirror in front of you because you are talking about your dear self? Stop trying to insult me because personally I find it hilarious how you think you are insulting me. Although you aren't, because you are describing yourself and doing what you do best"

"And what is that?"

"That is bullying teenagers, you think it's fine to push them until they can't take it being at this hell hole of a school no more. Oh wait it has finally clicked, you are being 'there' for these students because you weren't there for your son. Oh and next time you write me a letter don't waste ink by writing family because I have none" my reply and I got up to leave.

Once again I'm left with no family.

When you do something wrong or you think you do something wrong thoughts go spiraling through your head.

This is happening right now at this very minute.

What if Eddie's family doesn't like me?

What if Eddie and I split up half way through the holidays?

What if I accidentally cause Eddie's house to come crashing down?

What if Kaylee and I fall out?

All of these what ifs are flying around my head and I don't know what to do.

Thankfully Kaylee realized everything I was thinking. I'm certain she is a mind reader you know, she always knows the right things to say. She guaranteed me that everything will be alright and that Eddie's parents are sure to like me because you have to be stupid or a slag to not like me.

I do love my best friend.

Walking back into my dorm, I realized I haven't seen Queen Bitch in a while, wonder where she has disappeared to? Probably gone to get some Botox, it wouldn't surprise me knowing Libbie. However, she is 'perfect' and I'm just a waste of space, even my own mother said so.

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