Chapter 52

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Chapter 52


Harry is still mad. So mad in fact he barely talks to me anymore. He just walks around and I just stay put stuck in my room or in the lounge with Herika. Well, at least she isn't mad at me. The only time where he mostly talks to me is at the stripper joint. I sometimes think that he just doesn't love me anymore like he used to. I know that he has a job but, I'm his girlfriend. He can't just ignore me for the whole time he forces me to be with him. Maybe he is getting bored of me.

'We need to talk' he walks up to me with a plain facial expression on him.

'What is it?' I ask I doubt it's not a good topic.

Herika starts wiggling her tail when I scratch the back of her ears. I love it when she does that. It makes her look so adorable.

'It's Brit' he stands there, hands in pockets, looking so clam.

'What about her?' I say angrily, he or Niall much have done something wrong.

'She left' he says calmly titling his head to the side.

'So? We could just go and find her' I reply not making eye contact with him.

'No, I mean she is gone' I look up, his eyes still. 'She shot herself' he says.

'What?' tears forming and falling down my eyes.

'Don't cry. Just get over with it' he says. He has no feelings for anything.

'Are you serious?' I ask of out disbelief with his behavior and Brit's actions.

'Dead serious' he says. How dare he even say that...

I pour my tears from my eyes into my hands that are now wet. Herika was taken off me and out onto the ground. Harry's arms wrapping around me.

'I'm sorry, sweetheart' he whispers lifting me so I stand on my feet hugging him. My face digging into his chest as his hand strokes my hair and the other runs circles on my lower back.

'I'm sorry. You two got along so perfectly' he explains continuing the process to make me upset, giving me memories.

I cry harder, knowing if I told him to shut up I will get into trouble. Pain starting to appear in my eyes. Crying for a while has made them red and sting. Why has crying got to be hard, we already have to cry and now pain comes from it?

'She wrote you a suicide note' he stops hugging me and starts to pull out a folded sheet of paper. I rub under my eyes and take the note. My hands shaking as I open the note seeing her perfect handwriting all over it. I scan my eye over it Harry breaks the silence.

'Do you want me to leave?' he asks as I shake my head. If this is as bad as I think it would be, I want to hug someone quickly.

He stands there as I start to read.

"I'm doing this as my choice. Nothing is your fault nor Harry's nor Niall's. I just didn't want to live like I did. I was sick of punishment and no love or lust. I didn't enjoy anything that the boys were giving. It wasn't always their fault. Sometimes it was me. I would say to myself that I was useless and I didn't need to be here, that is why I am getting abused by the boys. But think of it now, how safe and happy I'll be away from them and in heaven. That's where I hope I'll end.

I won't forget you. I'll be watching over you, making sure that you're fine and happy. Hopefully, your journey with Harry ends happily. You deserve it more than I do. Hope you find what you have been looking for. Hope you have what you have always been waiting for and hoping for. I hope you have a beautiful family with Harry. A child with your humor and fashion. Another with your looks and incredibility. And maybe another named after me. I kind have always wanted that from anyone.

I never have really heard your whole story. The question that lies is do I want to hear it? Do I have to cry for you? Do I even have the right to know? Do I have to hurt myself to protect you? Do I have to fight to protect you?

I want it all to go away. I want a new beginning. I am not afraid to die. I'm just so afraid of tomorrow.

To you and all my friends and loved ones, I ask of you one last favour: don't let me be the reason why you cry, I didn't want you to cry, I wanted you to be happy, happy that now you won't get punished because of me and the stupid things I did.

Remember me for the laughs and the good times, the thrills we had together. I hope I made a place in all your hearts and touched each and every one of you in a special way. I have chosen to die, but I haven't chosen to be forgotten. I must find a new world, a world of peace and happiness. I want you all to know I am not afraid to die, only to quit living. I'll miss you and I love all of you!

-Britannie xo

I hold the note close to me. She meant so much. So much to me.

'Did you get one?' I ask him. It's not my business but I would like to know.

'Everyone got one' he says, 'she didn't write much in mine but it still meant something' he finishes.

He takes me into his arms and we stay like that for a while.

'When did she do it?' I ask putting the side of my head to his chest.

'Around 2 this morning. Niall found out before I did and she slit her wrists and thighs before she shot herself' he explains.

I hold the fabric of his shirt tightly. I don't want to cry. She doesn't want me to.  

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