Chapter 13: The Cat Is Out Of The Bag

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Hey guys!

I’m NOT dead, sorry for taking a long time to upload this chapter it’s just that I got really sick and then I missed out in school and so I had to make up the works I missed out on and uh, I’m telling you AP classes are a pain in the butt -___-

Anyways I’ll shut up so you can enjoy this chapter, I hope you guys are still enjoying this <3.


~Vanessa’s P.OV~

I know I shouldn’t do this but uh I just can’t stand Nicole and Andy being together all lovey-dovey.

Andy should have told Nicole the truth, Nicole’s a sweet girl but it’s just that I want Andy and whatever I want I get, one way or another.

Nicole and I sat down in a table; we were both quiet just drinking our drinks.

Nicole turned to look at me and said, “So what’s up? Why are you all sad?”

I looked at her straight in the eyes and said, “We need to talk, it’s really important.”

Nicole nodded and said, “What’s wrong?”

I took a deep breath and said; “It’s about Andy”

Nicole seemed confused and said, “What about him?”

I hesitated for a moment, I really don’t want to hurt Nicole but she deserves to know the truth.

“Well, what I’m about to tell you is really hard for me. I know this is going to hurt you and I am really sorry. I just feel that you deserve to know the truth. Andy doesn’t want to tell you but it’s better to be told the truth than to be lied to . . .”

Nicole nodded in agreement and said, “Okay… go on…”

I took another deep breath and said—

~Nicole’s P.O.V~

Vanessa took a deep breath and said, “When we were camping, something happened and I am terribly sorry for it. I know it was wrong but it just happened. Nicole you are a sweet girl and you don’t deserve to be lied to… so I am going to be honest with you… when we all went camping… I had sex…”

I laughed and said, “Omg Vanessa why haven’t you told us? So who was the guy? So you were the one who was moaning the one Courtney heard and she was blaming me. Hahaha.”

Vanessa looked serious and said, “Do you really want to know who I had sex with?”

I nodded and my head.

Vanessa took a deep breath she closed her eyes and said, “I had sex with…. Andy.” She then opened her eyes and look at me.

I was utterly confused, I mean Andy was sleeping in the tent with me and he said that he woke up early to walk that’s how he found the waterfall.

No, no she’s lying.

‘What if she’s not’, my inner voice said.

‘Yes she is! Andy wouldn’t cheat on me! Shut up and go away!’ I shouted to my inner voice.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath; I am not going to cry she’s making this up.

I opened my eyes and said, “No, you’re lying. Andy was sleeping with me in the tent.”

Vanessa reached for my hand and said, “I know this is hard for you to believe but trust me I am being honest with you. I wouldn’t lie about something so serious, I know how much you love Andy it breaks my heart just telling you this. Andy didn’t want to tell you but you deserve to know the truth.”

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