you wear his clothing

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fuck everything

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you wear his clothing

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It was midnight on a Sunday. The only light in your dark living room was from the moon seeping through the blinds along with the flashing lights of the television. You sat, alone, wearing Calum's Nasa shirt that fit you almost as if it were a dress. underneath you just wore your undergarments. Calum walked in with his sweatpants low on his hips and smiled when he saw you watching 'Modern Family'. He walked over, grabbing a blanket from a chair in the process. He sat down next to you, causing your attention to avert from the television and onto him. "Hi, babe." He said in a raspy voice. You smiled and pecked his lips in response before snuggling into his chest.


You were sick and feverish the day Luke came home from a long day at the studio. You lay in the soft covers, Luke's sweatshirt engulfed your upper body. You nudged your nose into the fabric that had Luke's scent on it. Pengy the penguin laid beside you as the only thing keeping you company. Soon, Luke walked into the bedroom quietly, aware you were ill. He smiled when he saw you, sweater clad and sleeping. He kissed your cheek before getting into the bed as well.


You and Michael were on a date in late October. You were staying in London for the time being, just to get away. You walked through the town which was covered in orange and yellow leaves along with halloween decor. The leaves crunched beneath you, creating the only sound to fill the cold air. You shivered lightly as a breeze passed by. "You cold?" Michael asked, releasing your hand. "A bit." you replied truthfully. He took off his leather jacket and places it around your shoulders. Blushing, you looked down at your feet, only to hear a clicking sound. You looked up to see Michael with his phone out, taking a picture. "I had to, you look so cute." He gushed and interlocked your hands once more.


For no reason whatsoever, you and Ashton decided to take a camping trip. The idea seemed good at the time, and to you Ashton seemed like the 'camping type'. You were wrong. "How the fuck do you build a fire I don't understand." He huffed as the sun was setting. "Ash, babe," You said, getting his attention before throwing him a box of matches. He blushed then lit the fire. You both sat, snuggled up with the flames illuminating your bodies. The cold air blew and you shivered. He smiled before taking off his jacket and handing it to you. You smiled shyly and took it. He starred at you and just watched the flame's light flickering onto your face. Your eyes danced with joy. He gently put a hand on your chin and forced you to make eye contact with him. He then leant down and left a soft, long kiss on your lips, "I love you." He said.

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I don't even know what I'm doing anymore

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