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~ N O W ~

"Ah, are you okay?" I venture hesitantly considering Sarah had slammed her head down on to the table, and kept it there, after I got to the part about me ordering Storm's shirt off.

She mumbles something incoherently.

"What?" I ask still confused only to have her sit up again with a glare on her face.

Suddenly she smacks my shoulder so I jerk backward slightly in surprise, "That is for not doing him right there and then in that bathroom!" she hisses before sticking her tongue out at me, "And that is for getting the cutest boyfriend ever and not doing him in that bathroom right then and there!"

I cover my mouth and giggle into my hand, cheeks warming and my eyes unconsciously moving to find a very tall, very attractive boy who was currently leaning against one of the walls with a very bored look on his face, even though the girl with huge boobs continued to flirt and try and get his attention.

"I have no idea what you just said but um, okay then," I smile as I met Sarah's big brown eyes.

She groans and smacks her head against the table again, earning a round of worried looks from the people around us. "Seriously, Mia, I have no idea how you can hold out that long. If it were me I would've fu-"

"Sarah!" I cut her off shaking my head which earns me a teasing laugh.

"Okay, okay," she grins, hands held up in surrender as she shifts in her seat and crosses her leg the other way, eyes piercing into mine. "Well, go on then, next party."

I grimace. "Believe it or not, not everything was all cute and dandy."

She smirks, eyebrows rising, "ooh, yay - more drama!"

{ a / n - a big dedication to @Flowerboys for making my cover and all the other covers she has made me. Ily all so much for the support and comments, it actually makes my day whenever I see them, even if it's something as simple as 'yay'. anywho, I don't know if there'll be drama in the next chapter but I'll just go with it haha. toodles my favourite losers xx }

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