17. When I look into your eyes , It's like watching the night sky.

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When I look into your eyes , It's like watching the night sky.

We have been on the road for the past twenty minutes as James has said destination is "Nowhere, everywhere." To be honest it doesn't matter. What matters is that I am here with him. That he is holding my hand tightly and the music is blasting loudly through my ears. The fresh air is coming from the window letting me know I am alive, and I should enjoy the moment while it last.

My eyes travel from the window to meet James' deep blue oceans. I bit my lower lip and all I can think is, "He is mine. All of him is mine."

"What is running through you mind?" Says James, lowering the volume of the radio.

I put a mischievous smile on my face, "Thinking about a master plan to get out of this car, call the cops and tell them a psycho, but attractive eighteen year old boy kidnapped me."

James chuckles lightly, " Well I-" He starts to say, but a big boom from the back of the car make us run in circles until the car stops in the edge of the bridge.

"Are you okay?-" And just like before, James starts to speak and another car hit us from behind, making us fly in the air. Yes, fly.

We are flying out of the bridge and into the water.

I look around my vision getting blurry, "James!" I try to scream, but no sound comes out, just bubbles. I take my seat belt off and try to move to James' seat. I shake him, but there isn't any sign of answers from him. His eyes are closed and his forehead is bleeding.

I try to break the window. I kick it, push it and scream at it to open.

In an attend to get air in James' lungs I press my lips over his. Giving him all the oxygen I have left. I hold his hand tightly and wait until my lungs can't take anymore the pressure of water.

Isn't it funny? That we are seventy percent water and we can't breathe under it. Isn't it?

I start to feel dizzy. I try to move or open my eyes again, but is like something is holding me back.

All I can see is darkness...


My eyelids start to open slowly, my vision is still blurry. I blink a couple of times until my eyes get used to the light coming from the window. Wait, light?... I remember it was dark when James and I were on the road.

Am I dead? Everything around me is white. White empty walls, white long curtains, white warm sheets over my bed. Even the gown I am using is white. And now that I look at it closely, is a hospital gown, of course!

"James?" I find myself asking in an empty room. "James!" I yell more loudly. The wooden, also white door then cracks open and someone I haven't seen in a while comes in, and stops at the edge of my hospital bed.

"Are you okay?" Zayn asks, concern all over his hazel eyes. Putting his hand tenderly over my shoulder, he continues. " You're in the hospital, Susan."

I gulp, "Where's James?"

"Are you okay?" He asks again. What is wrong with him? Why won't he answer my question? My heart starts to beat faster expecting the worse.

"Why won't you answer my question, Zayn? What happened to James?" I ask frustrated. I take the sheets off and put on some sandals left in the floor.

Zayn scratches his neck, obviously nervous, "Um... Susan."

"What is it?! What happened to James? Please tell me!" I beg for answers, warm tears already rolling down my cheeks.

Zayn extends his arm, and tenderly dries with his thump the tears in my face.

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