I'm A Teenage Father - Lovemefoeva

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Allstar Sixx is a Teenage Father at 18. His daughter, Zoey Sixx, is 5 years old. Thus, making Allstar a father at the age of 13. Without growing up with a mother, Zoey faces many things in her life. Allstar, without any help but his own parents, raises Zo on his own. When a new girl comes into town...She's defintely got eyes for Allstar.

Teen Fiction


Now, what attracted me to this book originally was that it was different to other teenage pregnancy/ parenthood story because it is from the father's POV and it does show that not all teen father's are absolute a-holes and it is nice to see.

This story has too much going on in it, I just managed to keep up with all the changing storylines but it did keep the story interesting, there was never a dull moment! 

Apart from the flow it was a good read, the last few sentences were a bit 'eh' but it was after the main story ended so it's fine.




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