Chapter 18- Stupid Teams

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Saffireanddiamonds: Okay! Sorry for no chapter last week guys!I was on vacation! Driving golfcarts in the woods! (It was fun) So please don't mind this being so damn late :/

I don't have muchto say here, other than that this chapter is 6 554 words long, so it's LONG, and that I am going to try and write chaps this long and not have soo many damn fillers, so we can get with the damn story, sound good? Good.

Well, without further adieu, please considder the following. RE-

Naruto: NOOO! I wanna say it!

Makko: But I wanna say it too!

Naruto: No mee!

Makko: MEEEEE!!!

Sakura: Why don't both of you say it and SHUT UP!!

Safireanddiamonds: BITCHES PLEASE! Sakura, who gave you the right to interuppt mah Show?! BE GONE BITCH!!!

Sakura: *whimpers, leaves*

Makko and Naruto: READFANVOTECOMMENTANDADDTOYOURLIBRARY BYEEE!!!! *dashes out immaginaty door*

Saffireanddiamonds: Not you! Ugh, Forever alone... well, Here we goo~!


/Note 11: Mizuki's Plan

Nothing to say here at all, other than if I wake up in a stranger's bed ONE MORE TIME, I am officially going to LOSE MY VOICE SCREAMING.

That is all.

Oh, and remind me that the next time I see Persian. Laugh at his name. AND, that the next time I see Shika, to punch him in the face for leaving me alone last night, injured. Why? I don't know. All I know is that after we fought Mizuki, I was too weak to walk, and Shika brought me to my bag. And we discussed a few things, and then he just... left. So I decided that sitting there injured wasn't a great idea, and sadly, the most viable option was.... Fucking Uchiha.

Now, I must prepare to run from an angry Sasuke. LATORZ. /


Makko's POV

I opened my eyes, but shut them when the bright light game in, blinding me. Surprisingly, my ribs felt better, and I moved my hand down to see if the bones are still misplaced. I was surprised to feel that my stomach was quite even, and that there was no bones sticking out. What surprised me more was the fact that I felt bandages under the shirt. I better not be at a hospital or I swear- I opened my eyes slowly, and saw that I was in fact, NOT at a hospital, but in a bed. A certain Uchiha's bed. I gave a small sigh and rolled over towards the left, only to hit a flesh wall. A flesh wall named Sasuke. Yeah, His ear drums didn't survive either.

Sasuke's POV (Previous night)

I rolled over in my bed and was woken up by what seemed to be banging. I immediately sat up in bed and grabbed a shuriken. There's no one ever in this complex but me. So who or /what/ was making that noise? I got up out of bed and made my way out of my room, when I heard someone yelling. I didn't catch a lot of it, but it consisted of "Fucking Uchiha, Sasu-gay, and way to much use of the word 'ass' (xD ASSSSSSSSS). Only one person calls me that. I dropped my guard and whipped open my door, and growled " What do you want?!" But immediately regretted it when I saw that she was... well, for a lack of a better word, broken. She looked like she just came from hell and back. What time was it anyways? "It's..." But she cut me off.

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