Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I called Fanny as soon as I got home. As usual, she got right to the point and spoke what was on her mind.

"So, why do you think 'The O' asked you out?"

"Why? Wait. . . are you saying I'm not good enough for him?"

"No! Hell no. You're too good for him. It's just, you're not exactly his type."

"What's his type?"

"You know. A bit dull in the skull, big boobs, and easy."

Fanny made a good point. I liked to think I wasn't a moron, my chest had arrived, but not exactly in a big way, and I knew I wasn't easy.

Fanny's question began to gnaw at me. Why had Owen taken a sudden interest in me?

For that matter, why had I taken a sudden interest in him? Sure he was smoking hot. Yes, he was popular. But he was also a bit of a conceited jerk. Not exactly my type. So why was I so drawn to him? More than drawn to him. Compelled to him, like I just had to be with him, no matter what.

"I don't know Fanny. Maybe he's just curious about the Cafeteria Circus Freak."


She didn't sound convinced.

I could hear Fanny crunching and chewing in my ear.

"Can you stop chewing for a minute, it's disgusting and I've got something to ask you."

"Oh, okay. What?

"What's up with Jake lately?"

"Whad'ya mean?"

"He stormed off today at lunch, and he didn't meet us at the lockers. He seems mad at me."

"Maybe he's on the rag."

We both laughed.

"Seriously, has he been that way to you too?"

"No, but I'm not the one going out with Owen."


"God Emily, you're thick sometimes. You and Owen? Jake crushing on you? Follow?"

I was beginning to follow, but it didn't make sense. Jake was my best friend. We'd been friends since we were four, but I didn't feel that way about him. I just assumed he didn't feel that way about me. And it wasn't like he'd ever asked me out or tried to make a move on me. He hadn't even so much as held my hand.

"Since when has Jake had a crush on me?"

"Since like. . . forever!"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I figured you knew."

"No. I didn't know."

I searched my memory for signs of this - the thing that I'd missed. It just wasn't there. I assumed that Jake hung out with me because he genuinely liked me - as a friend. But as I thought about it, I guess it should have seemed strange to me that Jake never asked any other girls out. I was so content with hanging out with him, it hadn't occurred to me that neither one of us was dating.

"What am I going to do about it?"


"Whad'ya mean nothing? He's one of my best friends. I don't want to hurt him. . ."

"Yeah, he's your friend. And as a friend, he should be happy for you. He never asked you out, did he?"


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