A-Z Story (Elevator)

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Angrily, I punched the buttons on the elevator keypad. “Buttons aren’t going to help me now!” I screamed at nobody. Couldn’t this have happened just one ride before? Defeated, I fell to the floor as I pondered what to do next. Elevators have been one of my biggest fears ever since I was little and now, I’m alone, as the elevator had creaked to a stop moments before. Frightfully, I began to wonder what was going to happen, and uncontrollably my mind floated to worst-case scenarios. “Get me out of here!” I screamed hoping somebody, anybody would help me. “Help!” I noticed a help button on the bottom of the key pad. Just then, things took a turn for the worst... Kneeling on the floor, I’m praying and hoping that this nightmare would be over with soon. Lights flickered around me and suddenly, everything was black. Making my way slowly up to a standing position, I searched around for the emergency button. Nothing was visible, but I eventually found it. Opening a door of hope, I knew that help was on the way. “Please God, let them come soon,” I repeated over and over in my head. Quavering as I stood there fearing what would happen next, I had no idea what was in store. Realizing a creak above me, I started to panic. Staring straight ahead, I listened as the creaking gradually got louder and louder. The elevator began to tilt a bit to one side. Uncertain, yet knowing where my fate was headed, I sat in the corner of the small elevator crying. Very gradually, the creaking became more frequent and louder. “Will they be here in time to help me?” I thought frantically. “Yes they will!” I assured myself, but it was too late. Zooming down past each floor I could only wish that I had been just a few minutes late, wishing that I had at least one last chance to say goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2012 ⏰

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