Chapter 4!(:

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I feel pretty cool uploading on his birthday!(:


(Liam's POV)

You: Thank god! I was starting to believe I wasn't going to talk to you again!

It's true; I was beginning to think negatively, there's no point in lying about it.

Stranger: That's funny; I was thinking the same thing.

I don't know why I did this, but I did. I sprung off my bed and started doing something that resembled some-what of a happy dance. I was flailing my arms around everywhere and jumping around, practically bouncing off the walls due to my room being insanely small. Once I regained my sanity I sat back down and started typing a reply to Harry.

You: So, what's the plan?

Stranger: Plan? Wot plan?

He can't be serious, can he?

You: To help me with my Zayn problem. Remember...?

Stranger: Zayn prblm? Wot r u talkin bout?

It's like there are two people talking... And one of them is an extremely terrible speller.

You: To get him to leave my friend and I alone...

He should remember, he was the one who suggested helping me in the first place.

Stranger: Oh yeah, now I remember. I just spaced for a minute...

Now would you look at that, he's suddenly become an A+ speller.

You: Is there someone else with you?

Stranger: No. Y wud dere b?

You: Are you sure?

Stranger: Yeah Li, there is... But I can't tell you who.

Well, that explains a lot.

You: I can respect that, whoever it is, is very bad at spelling. No offense.

Stranger: Yeah, he does. Anyway, what would you say to me coming to Wolverhampton for a visit?

He wants to come here? To visit me? Well, he didn't actually say he was coming to see me, but he's still coming... Maybe...

You: You know it's not my decision, right? If you want to come to Wolverhampton then by all means, come.

Stranger: I meant, what would you say to me about coming to Wolverhampton to visit YOU?

He wants to see me? He ACTUALY wants to see ME?!

So what you're saying i you want to meet-up... and talk... face-to-face. Are you sure about that? I mean, I'm not a very interesting person...

Stranger: Yes, I want to meet-up and have an actual conversation with you. Oh, to make it even, I'm not very interesting either.

I cannot believe this is actually happening! I need to call Niall!

You: Even? How does that make us even? :/ And, sure, why not... But what'll you do while I'm at school?

I picked up my phone and dialled Niall's number.

Stranger: I don't know, but it does! ;) I'll just have to join you; I'll be missing school here in Holmes Chapel anyway, so... yeah... :)

I almost forgot I called Niall until I heard his voice through the speaker.

"Hey Li, what's up?"

"You know that guy I told you about earlier, the one that's going to help us get rid of Zayn?"

I heard him gulp dryly then let out a shaky breath. "Y-yeah, what about him?"

"He's coming to Wolverhampton!" I exclaimed happily.

"WHAT?! NO!" He shouted before hanging up.

Uhh... That was a little weird, and trust me, I know weird.

(Harry's POV)

You: I don't know, but it does! ;) I'll just have to join you; I'll be missing school here in Holmes Chapel anyway, so... yeah... :)

I completely forgot to tell Zayn about how I was going to help Liam get rid of him. How could I miss that important detail? When Liam didn't reply to me, I started spamming him with random things.

You: Why are you ignoring me? Do you hate me? :O
1+1=49... right?
Do you like cranberries?
If you had a giraffe, would you name it Alfred?
Do you want to have a taco party with me?

"Let me write something." Zayn said, taking the laptop from my hands.

"Okay, but make sure you write like I would."

"Yeah, yeah."

You: Liam, are you there?

Stranger: Yeah, sorry... I was just talking to my best friend, Niall.

You: It's alright. Can I ask you something?

"Zayn, what are you doing?" I asked.

"What does it look like, I'm asking Liam something."

Stranger: Sure, go ahead.

You: What do you and Niall honestly think of Zayn?

Stranger: ... Well, where to start... I think he's rude, obnoxious, cruel, extremely stupid, and he's also the reason I cry myself to sleep most nights. As for Niall... I honestly don’t know anymore... I mean, I think he actually fancies Zayn... But like I said, I really don't know...

I looked at Zayn and his cheeks had a few tears falling down them... I have never EVER seen him cry. No one has ever seen him cry! I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into me, making my laptop hit the ground with a loud 'thud'. I heard rapid footsteps getting closer and closer to my room, but I couldn't care less as all my attention was on the boy crying into my chest. My door swung open, revealing my mum with a very shocked expression plastered across her face.

"Harry, what happe- ZAYN!? How DARE you come here after what you did!?" She walked over and tried prying Zayn out of my arms.

I just tightened my grip around him, pulling him closer and glaring at mum.

"Leave him alone mum." I said sternly.

"Harry, I know what I'm doing. Now let him go!"

"No mum! Just leave us, we'll be fine!"

"He has five minutes, and then I'm calling the police." She said before walking out.

I rolled my eyes at the closed door and loosened my grip on Zayn before picking up the laptop.

You: Sorry Li, I really need to go, I'll see you soon. ;)

Stranger: Alright Haz, Bye! :)

Your partner has disconnected.

I looked at Zayn, whom was standing in the middle of the room, looking out the window.

"Let's go to Wolverhampton." I said. "Now."


So, how was it? Thank you to everyone that comments, even if it is just “Upload soon!” I love reading what you all think about my writing! :) That’s pretty much all I have to say so… Bye! :D


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