Chapter 11

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I feel like I've been getting off topic, so hopefully this chapter will put things back on track (; I just wanted these two characters to have a little time for themselves before things start getting hectic. Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter (:

It was now Monday morning once again. My weekend was great! My date with Seb was amazing. After we watched the sunrise, we went to go eat breakfast and then he took me home. My mom wasn't home, no surprise there though. After I had showered and changed, I did my school work and then the girls came over. I told them everything and they were very happy that I had a good time. Sunday pasted by quicker than I would have liked.

I was walking to my last class of the day when I was pulled into what I assumed was a near by closet because of the lack of space. The first thing I thought of was to scream but the person that grabbed me, put their hand over my mouth muffling my colorful string of curse words. Then I did the second thing I thought of, I kneed the person where the sun don't shine and bolted out of the closet. Thank God I chose to wear my Converse today! I ran until I got to class and stopped in front of the door to steady my breathing. Once I was sure I was fine, I walked in just as the bell rang. I made my towards the back and sat down next to Ryan.

"Hey," I said, my voice shaking slightly. I was still a little shaken about what happened. Who the hell would pull someone else into a closet?

"You okay?" Ryan asked. I nodded and put on a happy expression. "You expression says yes, but your eyes say different. So once again, what happened?"

"Someone pulled me into a closet and put their hand over my mouth so that I wouldn't sream," I explained quickly, my voice cracking towards the end.

"What the hell? Are you okay Abby? Did they hurt you? Who the hell would do this to you? I swear when I find out, there as good as dead," Ryan said, firing question after question.

"I'm okay, and I don't know who would do this to me. I kicked them where the sun don't shine and bolted out of the closet as if it were on fire," I said.

"That's my girl," Ryan stated proudly. "Although, I am going to kick whoever did this to you, ass."

"You won't be alone in the ass kicking, and she's not your girl, she's mine." I jumped and turned to face Seb, who winked and slid into the seat in front of Ryan.

"Fine but take care of her Seb," Ryan said, narrowing his eyes at Seb.

"Always," Seb said winking. "Anyways about the ass kicking, I'll join you, if has something to do with Abby and the girls."

"It has something to do with Abby," Ryan said, with a scowl on his face.

"What happened?"

"She got pulled into a closet and that asshole made sure she didn't sream for help, by putting his hand over her mouth," Ryan growled.

"What!?" Seb shouted.

"Mr.Wheeler, there is no shouting in my classroom," Said Ms.Cherris, our science teacher.

"Sorry," Seb grumbled. Ms.Cherris nodded and continued on with her lesson.

"Who did this?"

"I don't know, I kicked him and ran out as soon as possible. I didn't want to know what would have happened, if I would have stayed," I said, answering Seb's question.

"We're not leaving your side at all." I internally sighed but nodded anyways. For the remaining time of the class, everybody worked on questions in the book. Seb and Ryan would ocasionally engage in conversations and try to involve me but I was too busy thinking about what happened earlier. For all I know, that person could have done much worse. I shuddered at the thought. I didn't want to think about that. When the bell rang, I grabbed my bag and headed to my locker. I told Seb and Ryan I'd meet them at the auditorium to practice. I put my stuff away and headed there but not before something caught my eye.

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