Chapter 36- Road to Destiny Part 2

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"I'll go first, GO Bisharp," Altair announced.

A large knight appeared in red and white wielding a lance, his helmet covered his face entirely, a large white cross covered his chest armor while large steel plates covered the knees and shoulders. His blade was the shape of a lance, it's size was approximately  two feet, Giratina attacked. Bisharp parried the blows of Giratina and countered swinging his blade at his armor. The armor simply absorbed the blow and Giratina continued swinging it's sharp pincers at Bisharp.

"Don't worry I'll help too" Wallace cried.

"Yeah," Lance nodded.

Lance and called out a combination of pokemon. Lance called out Salamence, Wallace brought out Milotic. Giratina shrieked aggravated by the worthless degenerate pokemon that were challenging his might. Salamence breathed fire on Giratina; The light and sparks rushed all over his body. Giratina spun swirling tall cyclones to put out his fire. Giritina boiled in anger and ran his pincer straight through Salamence digging his wound deeper and deeper inside. Bisharp swung his lance, Giratina received a thick cut from the blow and flew back in anger. Giratina spat out a ball of fire that landed on Bisharp and stuck on him. It began to beep loudly and rapidly with every passing second.

"It's a bomb.. made from reverse world gunpowder no doubt.." Altair concluded.

The beeping ceased and a loud boom followed that tore apart Bisharps armor leaving behind scrap metal and exposed skin. Giritina pounced on Bisharp and dug his pincer deep into Bisharp's heart before finally snapping his neck. Blood splattered on the lawn of Ash's house.

"You turned into a monster Dawn!"

"You've forgotten who you are and what you've gone through."

"Have I? Wallace?"

"I remember when you were a energetic girl who enjoyed the company of others. You had a lot of potential as a coordinator in Hoenn and a trainer in Fiori. Why would you throw all of that away?!"

"It wasn't my decision! I was confused about my purpose until they came and helped me be a better person when it came to handling pokemon. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here. I would've have been nothing I would've been worthless... I can't choose that future I can't be something I'm not destined for.. I can't!" Dawn shouted.

Giratina screeched again all of the glass in Pallet town shattered. Salamence bashed into Giratina with all his weight. Giratina pulled Salamence away and threw him into a house. The dragon crashed into the building sending planks flying everywhere. Everyone in the city was alerted by the noise and began to run out of their homes and along the route to escape the danger. Giratina flew several feet in the air and raised his sharp stinger; he focused his momentum into one final descent and crashed directly into Salamence's wound. The blood flew into Giratina's face but he simply wiped it off and went after the next victim.

"Damn it she's good.. my dragon type didn't stand a chance,"

"She is a champion like us Lance.. a fallen champion.."

"Well we can't let her continue this rampage.. at this rate Pallot Town will be destroyed."

"Give up or I'll kill all three of you," Dawn threatened.

Giratina opened a portal below Milotic and shut it at the exact moment the pokemon fell through it. A loud shliquah sounded off and half of Milotic was left.

"No.. shit! Hang in there.." Wallace cried. He returned his pokemon to his pokeball and ran off to Ash's house. "I'll be back guys try to hold her off until I can get help"

"Keep her attention on us" Altair called out Boufallant.

Boufallant noticed the red in Giratina's eyes and snorted. He scattered dirt and stomped ready to charge.

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