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"So this is the kingdom of Summeria."

It was awfully impressive, there was no denying it. Even the simple hellos between people passing in the street seemed warm and friendly. They nodded and smiled to one another almost as if they were family, not strangers about on errands.

Still...There was something else as well. Something that made the city feel strangely cold. Almost as though there was a great invisible wall, shutting out anyone who wandered in from the country. It wasn't particularly comfortable, I had to admit.

No.  That's all in my head! I had traveled quite some distance to reach Summeria, and it occurred to me that my mind and body were both very tired. Even so, tiredness was no reason for me to stand about feeling sorry for myself. I couldn't afford to, after all.

I had made up my mind to find him. The war against the rebels had long been won so why aren't you back Cadell?

Two years ago....

"Let's go travel the world when I come back."

Do you mean it?!

"I mean every word. So be a good girl and wait for me. I will come back. I swear it on your amulet."

Something must have prevented you from returning home. That's why I'm coming for you. I swear I'm going to find you, Cadell.

"Um, excuse me!" With new-albeit forced-resolve, I tried to stop a passerby. "I'm sorry, but I seem to be a bit lost, could you...?"


What am I supposed to do now?

I was lost again, but in a different sort of way. I sighed, and found myself looking up at the darkening sky. The sun was beginning to set. The people I'd spoken to hadn't been unkind, and they'd given me the directions I'd needed.

Unfortunately, neither the military officials nor hospitals could tell me about Cadell's whereabouts. I felt my heart clench as resignation took over.

What if he really died?! No. That was impossible! He had promised he'll return safely. He promised...

Was I too hasty? Perhaps I should have waited. Perhaps, I thought, I should have waited a little longer before traveling alone to a city I'd never seen.

No. I knew I could not have waited any longer.


"Freya... That's enough. Go home. Sulking won't change the fact that I've been conscripted."

"But this is just too much to take. While you're in danger on the battlefield, all I can do is wait here. It's not fair. Th-There's nothing I can do for you!"


"Why are you laughing?"

"I feel happy. Nothing...can make me happier than this.

"Please Cadell, be careful."

He only smiled and nodded.

"You needn't fret. I will be sure to send you letters as often as I am able, so that you will have no need to worry."

"...Okay. You promise?"


Cadell kept his promise.

A new letter arrived every day, and I scarcely had the time to respond before another would arrive. He told me that he worried about me, home all by myself.

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