There are Tattoo Sides To Every Story

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I didn't know what he thought.  I didn't know how he felt.  I didn't know which "he" I was more concerned about.  I knew that considering I was the only one who was obligated to both the men in the room, I needed to be the one to try smooth over this situation.  I smiled.  If I act like nothing is going on then Mark would believe nothing was going on.  Hell nothing was going on.  Was it?  "Hey Mark.  I was just giving Vinnie my statement."  That wasn't a lie.

"Oh."  That was all Mark said.  I couldn't interpret what he really meant by it.  He looked from Vinnie to me as if he was trying to figure something out.  "So how's the case looking?"  Mark looked stiff.

Vinnie shook his head.  "It's looking good.  I mean with Lennie's statement and the photos of her bruises it is clear that Frank assaulted her first.  I mean what jury would be able to look past that and charge the person protecting the victim with assault. Especially since Frank doesn't have any medical records of injuries."  Vinnie sounded confident.  "I mean I don't know what lawyer even agreed to take this case."

Mark squared his shoulders.  "Obviously a dirt bag.  I mean, come on it's not like lawyers have morals."  It was obvious that his statement was a dig at Vinnie.

"Easy there boss.  A dirt bag lawyer may have gotten you into this mess but a damn good lawyer is getting you out of it."  Vinnie kidded with Mark.  Only I knew Mark wasn't kidding.  And I was getting annoyed.

"You know ACTUALLY it was a slut ball stripper that got you into this mess so maybe you shouldn't be biting the hand that feeds you."  I was pissed.  "I'll see you later Vinnie.  I have to go get ready for work."  I gave Vinnie an apologetic look and turned to walk out the door.  As I passed Mark I added.  "I better not be late because my boss is a real dick head."

            I stalked down the hall past Claire sitting at her desk.  I heard Mark calling for me to wait but I didn't care.  As I made it out to the street I turned and started walking towards my apartment.  About a block away Mark caught up to me.  He tugged on my wrist and pulled me to a stop.  "I said wait Lennie.  Didn't you hear me?”  I don't know why he asked that.  He knew I heard him.  He knew I was mad so obviously he knew I was ignoring him on purpose.  I stood there silent giving him the third degree.  "Look I'm not even sure why you're mad."  So far his apology wasn't sounding too apologetic.  "I walk in on you and Vinnie and you are mad at me."

"Me and Vinnie what?"  I stood there getting defensive but I knew he was right.  I knew that in this situation he had the right to be mad not me.  I wasn't sure if it was guilt or confusion that was causing me to pick a fight with him.

Mark stood there looking at me.  I couldn't tell if he could see through me.  "Look all I know is that it's obvious he likes you.  And I just don't know how I feel about him taking advantage of you." There were a million things that he could've said that would've put me in my place.  But instead he said the only thing that would make him look like a bigger ass than I was making him out to be.  I don’t know if it’s because I got lucky or because his luck ran out.  Or maybe he really just is an asshole.

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