Side Effects

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Chapter 20: Side Effects

"Are you sure?"

I nodded hopelessly and continued walking alongside Nathan.

"But Tas promise to tell me later." He insisted.

I nodded again whilst looking down, Nathan continued talking but I couldn't make myself pay attention. Even in class I'm completely lost, not that I'm flunking my lessons it's just that I can't seem to focus.

At all.

I really want too. But I just can't. The teachers voice is just in the background and I listen to silence instead and I'm even beginning to watch people. I did that before but not this much. I don't know if I'm paranoid or if it's just the side effects of Hunters' poison.

Almost a week had gone by but nothing changed after that day.

I accidentally bumped into someone as I made my way down the hallway, "Sorry" I muttered not looking at who the person was but walking away.

"Tas. What's up with you and Hunter?" Nathan asked.

I shook my head unable to speak. I have no energy to explain anything.

I guess what happened was inevitable. It just had to happen.

"Why didn't you speak to him just now? I mean you just bumped into him."

I kept quiet.

That was Hunter? I thought and after that my mind went blank again.

"Wait, hold on. I thought he was suspended?" Nathan continued talking and I had too much on my mind to listen.

"I d-" as I attempted to speak I felt as though I was choking on my own words.

"Hey, it's ok. You don't have to explain." Nathan said sounding concerned.

As I was about to apologise for not being able to talk to him properly and not listening to what he was saying a massive head ache took over and I began feeling dizzy.

Next thing I knew I was in my bed at home. I woke up to an empty room with no one above me waiting.

I tried getting up but as I made any movement a headache would just occur. I soon realised that I just wasn't able to move. Just as I was about to give up trying Martha walked in.

"Hello dear. Don't try and move ok because you need rest right now, doctors orders. But luckily it's nothing to worry about. Apparently you have very little iron and vitamin D in your system but that's beside the point. You need rest. I don't think you'll be able to go to school but we'll have to see." She looked down at me sympathetically.

"I'm going to put you up so you can take your prescribed medicine." She spoke as she began lifting me up which didn't really take her long to do.

The medicine tasted bitter and sickening. It was a gooey green liquid which I had to swallow with water and then I had to take a capsule of god knows what.

"Thanks Martha." I said with a croaky voice. "Where's mom? Or dad? Or Dylan?" I asked hopefully.

"They couldn't make it back from where they are, they have serious matters to tend to. I'm sorry." I noticed she swallowed hard as she said the second half.

I sighed dejected, "it's ok."

"Ooh, but we do have someone here to meet you! They've been eagerly waiting for ages now." She said jumping a little.

"I really don't want to see anyone, Martha." I said as I began to feel dizzy again.

"It's Nathan." She said surprised.

"Ok call him up please."


A few moments later Nathan walked in with the biggest worried look plastered on his face.

"Are you ok? How are you feeling? What did the doctor say? Will you be able to come to school? Do you feel better now? What exactly happened? Please tell me it's nothing serious." Nathan bombarded me with a zillion questions. He looked so frenzy and panicked and I could tell he had been biting his nails whilst waiting downstairs.

I sighed and slightly smiled looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"Sorry" he muttered looking flustered.

I chuckled, "I'm fine. Just a lack of iron and vitamin D. I'll live." I said half heartedly without much energy.

"Good." He said, looking relieved.

"Listen Nat, I think I'm going to sleep now. Stop worrying about me. I probably won't turn up to school either but I'll try, just make sure to grab any extra work from the teachers so that I can be prepared for any tests when I come back." I spoke quietly but fast.

"Ok, ok. But don't worry you won't be gone that long." He assured.

"I hope not."

He sat down besides me on my bed and I sensed him to a little uneasy. It's really easy to read Nathan at times because he just can't help hiding his emotions.

"What is it?" I asked curiously anticipating the reply.

He looked surprised and flustered, "oh, er- nothing."

I raised my eyebrows and rolled my eyes, I'm going to get it out of him anyways so he might as well just spit it out.

"It's nothing." He said trying to sound convincing but I didn't buy it.

"Ok." I said not wanting to push him any further, it's his choice and besides I really don't have the energy to persist.

"Well... Do you want anything?" I asked attempting to be a bit welcoming.

Nathan chuckled and looked at me, "yeah I'd like a chocolate caramel latte and some chocolate pancakes."

I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head.

"Like I'm going to make you get me anything and besides I don't want anything I'm good." He explained.

"Fine." I said motioning my hands in a surrender gesture.

"And no I have not forgotten it's your 18th birthday in a few days so lighten up alright." He exclaimed smiling excessively.

Oh yeah. I almost forgot.

"The big 18" I stated a bit zoned out thinking of what exactly was going to change.

We sat in silence for a while. Not doing or saying anything in specific.

"Tas?" Nathan broke the silence and stood up.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I watched him contemplate.

"Yes Nathan?"

He swallowed hard before he said, "Hunter, he uh- left for good."


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