Dancing To Save A Life- Justice Crew

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Hey guys!

This is my new story!

It’s about Haylee, Lenny and John’s childhood friend; but the twins hasn’t seen her in since they were 5 years old. They (John, Lenny and Rhiannon- just pretending that they are this age) are 18- so 13 years have passed since Lenny and John left. Little did the twins know that she has changed since they last saw each other now and was dancing in her own crew and Haylee’s crew owns a dance school for kids who are from different cultures, backgrounds and some have disabilities. Continue on to see why this story is called Dancing To Save A Life.

Members of YEC (Youth Equality Crew)

Haylee (leader)- used to be a loud bubbly person until an incident happened over a year ago. She now is more of a grim angry person. Dancing is the only reason that she lives and the reason what transpired from the incident.

Liam and Ashley- best friends of Haylee. Love pranking people and being ladies men. Both are 18 years old.

Samantha - Partially blind; Samantha is nervous of people’s judgments of her being partially blind. Is picked on at school for her disability; though no-one knows about her talent but Kumal. The youngest of the group- 16 turning 17.

Kumal/Frankie- Ashley’s school mate who loves annoying Haylee. Has a crush on Samantha but worries about what other people will say about him. Is a popular and fun guy. Rhiannon calls him Frankie because she calls him that when she forgets his name. 17 years old.

Hamish- quiet and doesn’t want to get notice at school but it’s hard as he is an amputee and has a false foot. 18 years old.

Oscar: Haylee’s pain in the ass younger brother. Loner except with the crew as he goes to a private school unlike the rest of him because of his football talent. Only knows his place with YEC. 17 years old.

How they formed YEC: you shall find out soon!

Chapter 1


“I don’t wanna leave!” the little girl with dark brown hair screamed as her father dragged her out of the house. The car was filled with all of their possessions; ready to leave to another town.

“Be quiet Haylee! You’re giving your mother, brother and I a headache.” Her father said sternly. The mother was sitting in the front seat and the younger brother was in the back sucking his thumb.

Two little boys ran across the street towards the car that was about to leave. You couldn’t tell the difference between the two wearing Transformer shirts and kaki pants. Well, they were twins and best friends with the little girl.

“Haylee! Where are you going? We’re supposed to have our play date today!” one of the boys said. The other one was looking at the little girl’s father.

“Are you leaving?” the other little boy asked the father before the little girl could answer his twin. The father looked down and nodded at the boy who was holding his pants as he put the girl in the car and closed the door.

“Will you be coming back?” both of the little boys asked.

“No. And I don’t think you’ll ever see my daughter again.” And with that; he hopped into the car and started to drive away from the town.

The little girl looked at the back window watching the two little boys’ sad faces as they stood in the middle of the road getting smaller until she couldn’t see them. A tear ran down her cheek as she never saw them again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2012 ⏰

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