Every action has a consequence

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Part 26:

Hailie woke up again, later. She checked her phone. 16:14. God, they slept eight more hours! She felt a surge in her stomach, and she ran to the bathroom. "Hailie?" Harry said sleepily. Hailie dropped in front of the toilet bowl, and was violently sick into it. It got in her hair, but she didn't care. She couldn't stop getting sick. "Hails?" Harry rubbed her back. He got a hair tie for her when she sat back, handing it to her. "ughh.. Thanks" she smiled. She tied up her hair, while Harry went and got her some water. As she sipped it he pulled her onto his lap, rocking her gently and stroking her hair. She broke from his embrace to be sick again, tears streaming down her face. She hated this. Thank god she didn't have work today. But Harry did. Hailie got up, stumbling a little. Harry held her steady, and brought her back to the bedroom, grabbing her slippers and his hoody as he did so. He put the hoody on her, put the slippers on her feet, and told her to drink more water. He carried her to the sitting room, closing the curtains and fluffing all the new cushions. Hailie lay down on the couch, and Harry covered her with a blanket. "now, movie?" she nodded. He scanned through all her movies. "you have nothing!" she giggled. "I don't have time for DVDs!" he chuckled. "shall I get the boys to pick us up a few?" she shook her head. "not to be rude but I really don't feel like having them over today" he nodded. "I'll go out and get us a few things, yeah?" she smiled. "if you don't mind" he shook his head, fixing his curls. "course not, anything for you" he leaned in to give her a kiss, but she placed a finger on his lips. "I don't want you sick baby" he smirked. "bye Hailie" Harry kissed her cheek, and left. Hailie reached for her phone off the table. "Saturday 23rd of February, 2013, 16:30" 23rd? That couldn't be right.. She scrolled through her contacts, finding her doctor's number. It rung three times, before he picked up. "hello, Doctor Lynch, how can I help you?" Hailie sighed. "hey doctor, it's Hailie Anderson" she needed to know something. It was vital she knew. "Hailie! How are you? Is everything alright?" he said, concerned. "I'm great, thanks, and actually no. I need to find something out" he cleared his throat. "of course, what is it?" she sipped more water. "should my period be regular after the coma?" she chewed her lip. "yes, of course, why?" she sighed again. "Mine's late, and I just thought.. It was a cause of the coma" he paused. "have you felt nauseous, or been sick recently?" she sat up straight. "yes, I was sick twice this morning, actually" he paused again. "is someone with you right now, Hailie?" she looked out the window. No Harry as of yet. "no, my boyfriend's gone to town for a bit, why?" the doctor sighed. "I'm going to need you to come in and see me" she bit her lip again. "okay, I will. Let me just ring Harry" they said their goodbyes, and hung up. Hailie dialled Harry's number. "Hailie? What's wrong?" Harry's voice came from the other end. She smiled. He was so concerned about her, it was so cute. "Harry, we need to go the doctor" he sniffed. "why? What's wrong? Have you been sick again?" Hailie smiled. "no Harry, but he asked me to see him. I'll explain when you come home, okay?" an opening car door could be heard on Harry's end. "I'm getting in the car now" she drank the last bit of water in her bottle. "okay Harry, be safe. I love you" he revved the engine. "I love you too, Hailie, see you in five minutes" she hung up, resting her head on the cushion. Was something wrong with her? She was pretty scared right now.. She was nervous. Hailie closed her eyes, waiting for Harry to pull up. She hoped he would remain calm about this.


What's wrong with Hailie? :O you'll have to wait for the next part, won't you? ;)

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@LoveThatCurly (changed the username)

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