Ch. 21 I Love Her, She Loves Me

Start from the beginning

From: Boo Bear ;)

Yeah you’re happy but how long will it last? You don’t even lover, do you?

To: Boo Bear ;)

From: Harry

I do too! I really love her.

To: Harry

From: Boo Bear ;)

YOU DO! That’s brilliant! Have you told her?

To: Boo Bear ;)

From: Harry

Not exactly…..

To: Harry

From: Boo Bear ;)

You’d better tell her soon….

From: Boo Bear ;)

To: Harry

I will! Soon……

I put my phone back in my pock and looked up at Melody who was staring at me intensely. She must have spaced out because she didn’t notice that I was staring at her back. God, she’s so cute when she stares at me; it makes me melt.

“I know I’m cute” I whisper in her ear, making her cheeks turn an adorable crimson color. I kiss her cheek making her smile.

“So Lou, you found the key!” She asks Louis. She’s practically bouncing in her seat with anticipation. She really wants to get these cuffs off; I don’t blame her they bother!

“Yup!” He says popping the ‘P’ He stands up and extends his hand to Melody.

“Let’s go Mels! I have the key in my room” He says. Melody takes my hand, pulling me to my feet too and follows Lou to his room.

                 He led inside his room and made Melody and I sit and wait. We stared at him search his drawers frantically until he found what he was looking for. I’m amazed that he even found it because his room was a mess!

“I FOUND IT” He yelled at the top of his lungs. Melody squirmed in her seat with excitement. I smiled at her; she seemed like a child waiting for her present.

Louis brought the key over and started fighting with the cuffs until he found the key hole. After what seemed like an eternity, we heard a click and the handcuffs immediately loosened around our hands. God that felt good!

“Oh Omg, I’ve never felt this good in my life” Melody exclaimed. She pulled her hand away from the cuff and stretched it. She groaned in happiness. I pulled my hand away too and stretched it.

It felt really good to be able to move your hand freely. I looked closely and saw that I had red cut like marks around my wrist and so did Melody. We’ve been handcuffed for a whole week and with all the moving and pulling, we got bruises. Melody looked more in pain than me; it looked as though it hurt her badly to move her hand. It hurt me too but I can take it, she can’t. Guilt swept over me immediately, seeing her like that reminds me that it was my fault that we kept the cuffs for so long. I can’t believe I did that to her! I grabbed her hand and softly kissed every inch of her wrist, turning her hand over and kissed her hand repeatedly.

Handcuffed to a Flirt ( 1D Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now