Let me love you ( Amazingphil/ Phil Lester love story)

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dan:and where exactly have you been?

said a very ticked off dan to his black haired friend who had just entered threw the door.

dan:you know how bad miya has abandoment issues and you just go and leave her!!!

said a now pissed off dan.

phil:its not like she cared if i was there or not

he said passing his friend going to his room angry.

dan:what has gotten into you phil you not acting like yourself!

phil:oh how so?

dan:you're being such a..

phil:a what?

dan:such a jerk

phil:oh so I'm a jerk

dan:well you sure are acting like one,what has gotten into you you?


dan:yea whatever talk to me when you wanna tell the truth and stop acting like a jerk

he said turning and and slamming the door behind him.phil sighed running his hand threw his jet black hair.he had lost his love and now his best friend...what has become of him?

Let me love you ( Amazingphil/ Phil Lester love story)Where stories live. Discover now