Forsaken Dreams

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Bleeding Heart

By: tash07

©Copyright 2013 all work presented is property of tash07, any duplication or reproduction of all or part of this work done by the author without explicit permission is severely prohibited and illegal.

“Mom! Mom come on you need to get off the rug,” Katy called. Ann groaned and slumped down. Katy sighed and bent to help her mother up. Ann recoiled and pushed away her daughter. “Get away from me you old witch!” Ann shouted. Katy stumbled backwards. “Bitch! Who do you think you are?” Ann cried out. Katy sighed and a lone tear ran down the cheek she knew that it was the alcohol talking but she just couldn’t help herself. She looked on as her mother lay there in a drunken daze. She couldn’t remember the last time she actually spoke to her mother. Since her father died her mother went on an alcohol spree. Memories of her once perfect family clouded her mind. They were once so loving and supportive especially her mom. Mom was there every time she started something new to support her. She remembered the time when she signed up for wrestling in school that was probably the only thing mom was  never really supportive in she felt that it was to dangerous. Yet she and dad made it to every match she had.

She returned to reality as the doorbell rang. She looked at her mother and then ran towards the door. It rang again. She opened it and there stood Ian. “Hey what’s up Kat?” He said. She looked at him and then smiled, “Nothing much,” she replied. “So I’m guessing you’re ready for our project,” He said. “Oh shoot!”She exclaimed. “I guess not,” He replied. “Well um why don’t you come on in and we’ll talk about it ok,” She replied. He smiled and entered. She suddenly remembered her mother in the living room and led him towards the kitchen. He sat on a chair and fished out his books. Ian was practically her best friend since forever but the strange thing was that his parents hated her. So you may be thinking why? Well we don’t exactly run in the same circles. You see Ian’s’ parents were quite wealthy and they did live in a picturesque house that resembled a mansion. While I, Katy Hororitz, well I was certainly not rich and I didn’t really have much but I made do with what I have. You may want to know what someone as rich as Ian is doing with a poor soul like me right. From the start when we met we sort of promised to be friends and let’s just say we’ve been friends since then. Ian doesn’t care much about his parents’ opinion of me.

                She sat down and looked on as he pulled a chemistry book from his bag. “So I was thinking,” He said, “We have to do an experiment based on a topic we completed from the syllabus so what do you think?” He asked. “Well oh what about the flame tests those were cool or a titration the color change is cool or how about making salts those were so cool,” Katy cried. Ian smiled. “Well you sure know which ones to choose,” He said, “I was thinking about the flame tests too what say you?” she nodded. “Then the deal is sealed,” He said, “I’ll have to inform Mr. Barnes so he could get the metals ready and hope that the class is awed.”  “I hop…,”Katy stopped mid sentence when she noticed her mom walking towards the kitchen, no not walking stumbling. She entered and leaned against the doorway. “Why hello there Ian.” She said. “Hi Mrs. Hororitz,”Ian replied. She stared for a moment and then continued, “Why Katy you’ve been a very bad hostess why don’t you offer some snacks to your friend.”

                Katy stared at her mother. She tried to keep calm because she knew that it was the alcohol talking.” Did she actually know if we had snacks?” Katy’s mind cried. They had been struggling to get groceries since her dad died. Ian looked at Ann and then at Katy. “You know I’m fine I ate before I came anyway,” He said. Katy smiled a bit. Ann hung on the door a moment and then stared at Katy. “So how’s the project coming along?” She asked. “Oh hey Ian maybe you can make something to improve Katy’s face she looks awful.” She sniggered and swayed and then stumbled from the door. Ian looked at Katy. Her eyes were moist but her face was expressionless. “Are you ok Katy?” He asked. She smiled weakly and nodded. “Well I guess I’ll see you in school for our last project,” She rasped out. He looked up at her and spoke, “Hey it’s not our last project we’re going to go to study together,” He said, “remember.” She smiled and then stared at him for a moment. “I guess,” She replied. “No you’re not guessing we agreed to go through everything together and that’s what we’re going to do,” He said. He shoved his books in his bag and then came in front of her. “We will reach there,” He said while giving her a hug.

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