Me, Myself, And I

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“From now on ima be my own best friend” –Beyonce x Me, Myself, and I



            Wincing in pain, Tavi wrapped the gauze around the wound on her leg after she made sure it was cleaned. She was in Shayne’s bathroom near the family room sitting on top of the toilet lid cleaning herself up. She looked over at Rasia who stood in the doorway and smiled. She didn’t want her to think that anything was wrong with her, so she smiled to reassure her that she was fine.

            Once she was done she stood up looking in the big mirror that sat above the sink taking in her image. She had a small cut against her cheek, and a small black eye. She moved her hair out of her face and sighed not knowing how she was gonna explain all this to her mom.

            “It’s nothing that makeup can’t fix” Rasia watching Tavi. “You’ll be fine”

            “I know” She nodded turning on the sink.

            “I’ll be back” Rasia said before leaving the doorway.

            Tavi ran her hands under the water bending over to splash the cold water in her face. For some reason her heart was pumping like she was still in the basement and her hands were trembling. The water only did so much so she turned it off and looked back in the mirror to see Shayne’s reflection behind her. She jumped and placed her hand over her chest.

            “My bad” He said.

            Tavi looked at him through the mirror not turning around. He looked as if he wanted to say something but didn’t because of her position. They had their eyes fixated on each other and Tavi felt worse then before. Her stomach became queasy and her hands started to shake even more making her clutch the sink.

            They kept the stare until Aniya appeared next to Shayne in the mirror. She looked between Shayne and Tavi and then finally spoke.

            “If this is a bad time I ca—“

            Tavi put up her hand finally breaking the stare with Shayne. “Go ahead”

            “Thank you” Aniya smiled pulling Shayne away from the doorway.

            Tavi went over to the door closing it so that she could change her clothes. She pulled Shayne’s white t-shirt over her head exposing her fully naked body. Tavi heard a knock at the door a jumped holding her chest once again.

            “Who is it?” She asked in an angry tone because everyone seemed to be scaring her.

            “It’s just me” Rasia replied on the other side of the door. Without giving a response she saw the door open and Rasia peek in. “I just wanted to tell you that Chris and I can take you home”

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